Dekorativni električni kamin pravi buku u savremenom dekoru.
Main Features of the Water Vapor Fireplace Insert This is a zero-clearance electric fireplace, which allows it to be integrated literally anywhere in your home. The flames of this water vapor electric fireplace are created with ultrasonic technology. The tank capacity allows it to operate for 8-14 hours before you have to refill. The fact that this technology uses water means that there are no harmful substances but also we made sure there is no excessive moisture or condensation from the fireplace. Why Should You Get a Water Vapor Electric Fireplace Using cutting-edge technology, we have created this beautiful water vapor fireplace insert. The flames are so realistic, you will never believe they are created with a combination of LED…Čitaj višeUmetak za kamin na vodenu paru koji nije samo realističan i lijep, već je i siguran za upotrebu
NOVA PLAMENA TEHNOLOGIJA SA BESKRAJNIM MOGUĆNOSTIMA. Vatra je došla sa svrhom. To je zadovoljilo potrebu. Dao je toplinu i zauvijek utjecao na naš svijet. Sad, ponovo smo izmislili plamen sa revolucionarnim sistemom gorionika koji koristi vodu kao izvor goriva. Vapor-Fire tehnologija mijenja viziju, inspirativnih dizajna, i intrigantne klijente na međunarodnom nivou. Bez emisija ili zahtjeva za ventilacijom, sloboda dizajna je vaša. Bezbednosne brige su ostavljene po strani sa nultom emisijom toplote, i plamena koji je siguran za dodir. Uživajte u ambijentu mirnog uma. Inovativna tehnologija proširene stvarnosti oživljava realistične plamenove, stvarajući atmosferu kakvu ste oduvek želeli. Water Vapor Fireplace is the right one for you if: You wish a…Čitaj višeO tehnologiji vodene pare
Ultrafine water vapor fireplace with no danger or constraints Benefits of Water 3D vapor steam fireplace With APP Benefits of Using simulation wood The benefits of installing water vapour fireplace A Water Vapor Fireplace is an electric fireplace featuring the most realistic fake flame. Ova revolucionarna ultrazvučna tehnologija se koristi za stvaranje efekta plamena i dima. Sastoje se od vrlo fine izmaglice osvijetljene LED diodama. Svetlost se odbija od molekula vode, stvarajući uvjerljivu iluziju vatre. Rezultat je izgled toliko autentičan da će se zamijeniti za pravi požar. Bilo koje dužine, bilo kojoj lokaciji, i bilo koji broj strana. Zaboravite na ventilaciju, gasovode i vruće staklo, because they are a thing of the…Čitaj višeNOVA PLAMENA TEHNOLOGIJA SA BESKRAJNIM MOGUĆNOSTIMA
Ethanol fireplace fuel near me ; Ready to make your home feel like a retreat Biofuel Burner Insert AF100 ;Etanolni gorionik bez otvora AF80 ;Smart Ethanol Burner AF120 Fire came with a purpose. To je zadovoljilo potrebu. Dao je toplinu i zauvijek utjecao na naš svijet. Sad, we have reinvented the flame with a revolutionary burner system which uses ethanol as a fuel source. ethanol fireplace technology is changing visions, inspirativnih dizajna, i intrigantne klijente na međunarodnom nivou. Bez emisija ili zahtjeva za ventilacijom, sloboda dizajna je vaša. Bezbednosne brige su ostavljene po strani sa nultom emisijom toplote, i plamena koji je siguran za dodir. Uživajte u ambijentu mirnog uma. Innovative augmented reality technology brings realistic flames to…Čitaj višePO ČEMU SE RAZLIKUJU KAMINI NA ETANOL?
Da li želite da pređete na kamin na bioetanol sa kamina na drva, kamin na prirodni plin, ili električni kamin? ako je to slučaj, ložište etanola je jednostavno, pogodna opcija za pretvaranje tradicionalnog kamina ili bilo koje druge vrste postojećeg kamina u kamin na etanol. Etanol gorionici pružaju luksuz, ugodan ambijent uz ples, pravi plamen bez nedostataka drugih vrsta kamina. Unlike traditional fireplaces, ethanol fireplaces are completely ventless and require no expensive connections such as a chimney, flue, gas lines, or electric lines. They are easily installed and require no professional help. If you’re looking to reduce the environmental footprint of your fireplace solution, an ethanol fireplace is the answer. Bio ethanol…Čitaj višeEtanol Fire Near Me
If you are looking to install a fireplace or insert, stop and read this before you do anything else!You might not know it, but you have numerous fireplace options, including ones that run on wood, electricity, gas, and gel. One of the most popular types, however, is a bio ethanol fireplace. Ethanol fireplace use alcohol as fuel, and they don't produce smoke, čađ, or ashes. This type of fireplace also doesn't need a chimney, which makes installation much quicker and easier. Another advantage of bioethanol fireplaces is that they look incredible in any space. You’ll find a tremendous selection of ethanol fireplace models available from various brands, and choosing the right one for your needs is easier said than done.…Čitaj višeRUČNI VS ELEKTRIČNI BIO ETANOL KAMIN
MANUAL VS ELECTRIC BIO ETHANOL FIREPLACE An ethanol fireplace is becoming more and more commonplace these days, but it is important to know the difference between an electric fireplace and manual ones. Each one has its own distinct advantages, but there has to be one that is better than the other, right? Generally speaking, electric fireplaces that use bio-ethanol are often seen as one step up from their manual bio ethanol burners. There are automatic ethanol burners such as a wall-mounted electric fireplace that you can control with a remote, a control panel, and even with a smartphone or a smart home system. Even better, these remote-controlled ethanol burners are as safe as ever thanks to the variety of safety…Čitaj višeDekorativni električni kamin na vodenu paru donosi svjetlost u vaš dom
Svjetlo igra bitnu ulogu u arhitekturi i dizajnu interijera. Generalno, život u dobro osvijetljenom domu stvara pozitivnu atmosferu i unosi optimizam u dom. To važi i za hotele, restorani, urbane trgovine i svi javni prostori. Kamin na vodenu paru sa plamenom u boji ima prednost što nudi širok spektar atmosfera. The new eco-friendly decorative fireplace insert that purifies air The decorative electric water vapor fireplace with cold flames is really the ultimate decorative fireplace and insert. Upotreba svjetlosti unosi život u naše domove. Zapravo, plamen ima pozitivan uticaj na naše zdravlje. Bilo u tradicionalnom okruženju ili na javnom mjestu, decorative water vapor inserts bring well-being to all living spaces.…Čitaj višeSavremena i elegantna linija kamina
Generally what customers are trying to figure out is how this works. In the last decade, Electric Fireplace manufacturers have been trying to close the gap in realistic-looking flames. An electric fireplace doesn’t actually have real flames. These faux fireplaces use lights to mimic flames, and they are getting better and better at it. One way they have done this is by using water vapor in conjunction with lighting and even sounds played over internal speakers. This contemporary and elegant line of Fireplaces is specially designed for Water Vapor cassettes. From small and versatile linear models to extra-large linear models, water vapor fireplaces are available in various configurations and sizes using single or multiple burners. One of the best advantage…Čitaj višeSpremni da se vaš dom osjeća kao utočište
A fireplace can make any home feel like a cozy cabin, but if you live in an apartment, condo, or you don’t have a flue, you might have assumed that owning one would be totally out of reach. But the truth is that there are fireplaces you can safely set up anywhere. The key is to choose the right fuel source, and one of the best options is bioethanol. A bioethanol fireplace can be set up indoors, even in a small apartment. Or, if you want an option for entertaining outdoors, you can invest in a clean-burning outdoor pit. Chemically, bioethanol and ethanol are the same, but the difference comes down to how they’re produced. Bioethanol is a type of…Čitaj više