An Intelligent Ethanol Fire is not just a small classy decorative object. Since placing a vent is not necessary, it gives total freedom to designers.If you want to install a fireplace as your main means of heating, the Intelligent Ethanol Fire is for you.They offer warmth, může učinit každou místnost atraktivnější, a nabízí skvělou atmosféru pro každou příležitost. Samozřejmě, it produces flames, and thus heat. nicméně, this fireplace is better used as an intermittent heat source for chilly spring or fall days.even if at Home heating systems always drive down energy costs in cold weather.Intelligent Ethanol Fire offers innovative, simple to use and secure solutions to create YOUR modern fire space, without any constraints.
These characteristics are the framework of the Intelligent Ethanol Fire remote ignition design bio ethanol burner inserts and designer fireplaces. Intelligent ethanol fire also has the following features:
Etanol je vysoce hořlavá látka, proto je velmi důležité udržovat palivovou nádrž krbu vždy těsně uzavřenou. Proto, intelligent ethanol fire is safer than traditional fireplaces.
2.Intelligent ethanol fire is healthier while generating heat.
K výrobě tepla, Intelligent Ethanol Fire burn fuel. Intelligent Ethanol Fire work just like most types of wood-burning fireplaces.The only difference here is that ethanol does not produce smoke and carbon dioxide as the wood fireplace. Ve skutečnosti, průměrná velikost krbu na etanol produkuje velmi malé množství oxidu uhličitého, takže při používání tohoto typu krbů nemusíte instalovat komín nebo kouřovod.
3.Intelligent ethanol fire makes installation easier.
Aby dobře fungoval, Intelligent Ethanol Fire need to have an enclosure to house the fire source and a fuel tank to hold the ethanol. Intelligent Ethanol Fire can be stationary or portable. Most types of stationary Intelligent Ethanol Fire are mounted against the walls while portable Intelligent Ethanol Fire look more like small stoves with enclosures to house the fire.
Čas odeslání: 2021-12-28