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Vee eelised 3D auruauru kamin Rakendusega APP

Simulatsioonipuidu kasutamise eelised

Veeaurukamina paigaldamise eelised

If you have installed the water vapor fire place at home, you can freely decorate the water vapor fire place with ciy according to your preferences.

You can choose simulation wood to decorate the veeauru kamin. Simulation wood also has various styles to place their favorite shapes.

Simulation wood also has different styles and colors. While the shape is close to real wood, the light simulation wood with different shapes is better in DIY. The light of LED lights gets reflected by this most creating a realistic 3-dimensional illumination of flame and smoke.


New function
Veeauru kamin is a ventless fireplace with 3-dimensional realistic flames that you can touch without burning your hand. Veeaurukamin on ventilatsioonita kamin kolmemõõtmeliste realistlike leegidega, mida saate puudutada ilma käsi põletamata.

Uue tehnoloogia väljatöötamisel, veeauru leek saab värvi reguleerida, veeudu tase ja leegi pöörlemiskiirus, laadides alla vastava rakendusega.
When relatives and friends visit, while adding a different atmosphere to the home, the water vapor fire place uses the water vapor fire place to play music, and the flame color will jump with the music. You can have a fierce music competition with your friends or play soothing music to relax your mood.




Postitamise aeg: 2022-02-11