Portable Ethanol Fireplace

2025 Model APR65 Freestanding Ethanol Fireplace Featured Functions:

  1. Automatic ethanol fireplace extinction or ignition ordered by electric board and a Button ON/OFF and remote control.
  2. Materiaal yn roestfrij en MDF.
  3. Apart bio-ethanol tank en baarnende kachel.
  4. Co2 Feiligens ynfrareaddetektor dy't it fjoer stopt yn gefal fan it berikken fan net-autorisearre nivo's.
  5. Automatyske elektryske pomp om de burner te foljen.
  6. Mei elektroanyske waarmtedetektors, it sil automatysk útstjerre as de temperatuer de net-autorisearre nivo's berikt.
  7. AC charger or battery charger with battery loader., Mei audio-effekt.
  8. Berneslot Funksje.


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Art Fire Portable Intelligent Ethanol Fireplace ,Not only save your time and money, this model is Really Easy to install and use for flexible interior designs.
Floor Portable Electric Ethanol Fireplace APR65:

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