Burner Ethanol dealain AF50

Thoir faireachdainn dlùth den teallach bhrèagha seo nad dhachaigh agus faigh tlachd às an coziness fìor. Le lasraichean de theallaichean Art ethanol, Nan suidhe còmhla, A ’roinneadh an toileachas agus an soirbheachas le do theaghlach agus do chom-pàirtichean fhad‘ s a bhios tu ag òl fìon dearg, A ’bruidhinn, A ’cluich, A ’gàireachdainn… Feumaidh sin a bhith fìor mhath!!!


Modail losgaidh ethanol:AF50

Meud clàr as àirde: 50cmx24cm

Insert Hole Size: Length: 48cm Height: 22cm Depth: 30cm

Le Rianadair Remte: Tha

Tanca ethanol: 5.70 Liotair

Caitheamh connaidh: 0.40Liotair/Uair

CE/FCC/IC Approved Certifications

Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh

Luchdaich sìos mar PDF

Bathar Tags

Product Introduction

Thoir faireachdainn dlùth den teallach bhrèagha seo nad dhachaigh agus faigh tlachd às an coziness fìor. With flames of Art Ethanol Fireplaces, Nan suidhe còmhla, A ’roinneadh an toileachas agus an soirbheachas le do theaghlach agus do chom-pàirtichean fhad‘ s a bhios tu ag òl fìon dearg, A ’bruidhinn, A ’cluich, A ’gàireachdainn… Feumaidh sin a bhith fìor mhath!!!

Products Details:

BrandTeallach ealain
Smachd IomallachTha
CleachdadhAnns na seòmraichean as ìsle 20 m2
Connadh Caitheamh0.4Liotair/Uair
Toradh teas2850Bhata
Fad lasair334mm / 13.15òirlich
Airde lasrach180mm / 7.08òirlich
Gun spionnadhTha
Meud gearraidh480mm Fad / 18.90òirlich
Meud gearraidh220mm Leud / 8.66òirlich
Meud gearraidh300mm domhainn / 11.85òirlich
BuannachdIgnition fèin-ghluasadach / inneal-smàlaidh, Dìon thairis air teas, Dìon crathadh,C02 sensor, Dìon thar sruth, Cloinne-glas
CleachdadhSeòmar-cadail, Apartment , Bàrr, Oifis…

AF50 Model Featured Functions:

1.A ’dol à bith no a’ lasadh losgaidh ethanol toinisgeil air òrdachadh le bòrd dealain agus Putan ON / OFF agus rianadair iomallach.
2.Automatic filling injection and manual filling injection function for the burner tank.
3. Stuth ann an stainless agus MDF.
4. Tanca bio-ethanol air leth agus cagailt losgaidh.
5. Lorgaire fo-dhearg sàbhailteachd Co2 a chuireas stad air an teine ​​ma ruigeas e ìrean gun chead.
6.Gnìomh sake dheth ma thèid an losgaidh a ghluasad le feachd bhon taobh a-muigh.
7. Pumpa dealain fèin-ghluasadach gus sruth losgaidh an losgaidh a lìonadh.
8. Le lorgairean teas dealanach, thèid e à bith gu fèin-ghluasadach nuair a ruigeas an teòthachd na h-ìrean neo-ùghdarraichte.
9. Charger AC no charger bataraidh le luchdan bataraidh.
10. Le buaidh fuaim.
11. Gnìomh Lock Cloinne.

Bathar gnàthaichte:

prìs a rèir riatanasan luchd-cleachdaidh meud agus meud aon aithisg!
Ùine àbhaisteach de 10-15 làithean-obrach (òrdughan luath, feuch an cuir thu fios gu seirbheis teachdaiche agus reic)

Art Ethanol Fire Model Advantages:

1.Comas smachd iomallach. Air sgàth a obrachadh eileagtronaigeach, air a stiùireadh le stòr cumhachd dusan bholt, this ethanol fireplace insert may be ignited and extinguished through an on/off switch located on the burner itself, a one-button remote control or through your smart phone by integrating with your Smart Home System.

2.Sgrùdadh Sàbhailteachd air Bòrd. Tha bòrd-màthar an teallaich seo aig cridhe sàbhailteachd. An-còmhnaidh fèin-mheasadh a ghnìomhachd, bidh an losgaidh tuigseach seo a’ dèiligeadh ri suidheachadh sam bith a tha coltach ri neo-àbhaisteach. Should it sense an excess amount of carbon dioxide emission or heat output, sguir e gu fèin-obrachail ag obair, extinguish the flame and maintain the lock mechanism of the fuel chamber. Additionally, it will self-extinguish should it sense seismic motion or level of tilt making it a shock-proof device. Fuel and battery levels are also constantly evaluated for optimal performance and will give notification through the burner’s LED display, which will indicate operation times and alert you by sound and error message should an event occur.

3.Togail làidir. Air a thogail de Ìre 304 Stàilinn nach meirg, the ethanol burner is corrosion resistant and exhibits excellent resistance to atmospheric, stuthan ceimigeach agus eile. Tha an truinnsear àrd aige a’ tomhas trì millimeatair ann an tiugh (3/32 òirlich). Leigidh seo le seasmhachd, ach a’ brosnachadh ìomhaigh ìosal. For added safety, the bio ethanol burner AF50 offers insulated double hearth construction.

4.Separate Fuel Reservoir and Burner Tray. Continuing with the unprecedented safety features of this ethanol burner, excess fuel is housed in a sealed reservoir. This not only prevents fuel evaporation and the aromatic release of the raw ethanol, but lessens the amount of “exposed” fuel at any given time. Through a medical grade fuel pump, the ethanol is delivered into the burner tray. Only allowing the burner tray to manage a few centiliters of ethanol fuel at a given time promotes additional safety and minimizes the risk of fire-related dangers.

Ceistean Cumanta

C:Dè mu dheidhinn òrdugh sampall?

A:Gabhaidh sinn ri sampall òrdugh mus riochdachadh, tha e na cheum riatanach mus gluais thu gu co-obrachadh soirbheachail, na bi leisg fios a chuir thugainn airson sin.

C: How to start a project?

A: To start your project, please send us the design drawings with a list of material, quantity and finish. Then, you will get the quotation from us within 24 hours.

C: Dè an làimhseachadh uachdar as cumanta airson pàirtean meatailt?

A: Polishing, Black Oxide , Anodized, Powder Coating, Sandblasting, Painting , all kinds of plating(copper plating, chrome plating, nickel plating, gold plating, silver plating…)

C: Chan eil sinn eòlach air còmhdhail eadar-nàiseanta, an làimhsich thu a h-uile rud loidsigeach?

A: Gu cinnteach. Bheir mòran bhliadhnaichean de eòlas agus neach-adhartachaidh co-obrachail fad-ùine làn thaic dhuinn air. Chan urrainn dhut ach an ceann-latha lìbhrigidh innse dhuinn, agus an uairsin gheibh thu am bathar san oifis / dachaigh. Tha draghan eile gar fàgail.

C:Dè an urras?

A:Depending on what your project or products is, typical turn around is 1-2 weeks. If you have a specific request, please feel free to ask. We can always work out a fast turn around if needed.
The products are shipped by large specialized companies such as DHL, TNT, TPS, etc.
Generally, inserts and fireplaces are delivered within ten workdays.
We signed with DHL,FEDEX,TNT,UPS Express.

How To Design and Install Art Ethanol Fires?

Stòr Alibaba teallach ealain

    Cuir do theachdaireachd thugainn: