Burner Mini Ethanol AF40
Ro-ràdh toraidh:
Art Fireplace Mini Intelligent Ethanol Burner Model AF40 with 40cm (15.75òirlich) Long–Eco-friendly smart ethanol fire. This Model can be freely designed and easily installed for home owners, luchd-dealbhaidh, ailtirean.
Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh:
Brand | Teallach ealain |
Modail | AF40 |
Tomhas | 400mm/LX240mm/WX215mm/H15.75òirleach/LX9.45inch/WX8.46inch |
Smachd Iomallach | Tha |
Cleachdadh | Anns na seòmraichean as ìsle 15 m2 |
Cuideam | 16.00kg |
Comas | 4.80Liotair |
Connadh Caitheamh | 0.3Liotair/Uair |
Toradh teas | 2650Bhata |
Fad lasair | 200mm / 7.08òirlich |
Airde lasrach | 150mm / 5.90òirlich |
Gun spionnadh | Tha |
Meud gearraidh | 380mm Fad / 14.96òirlich |
Meud gearraidh | 220mm Leud / 8.66òirlich |
Meud gearraidh | 250mm domhainn / 9.85òirlich |
Buannachd | Ignition fèin-ghluasadach / inneal-smàlaidh, Dìon thairis air teas, Dìon crathadh,C02 sensor, Dìon thar sruth, Cloinne-glas |
Cleachdadh | Seòmar-cadail, Apartment , Bàrr, Oifis… |
Teisteanas | CE/FCC/IC |
AF40 Model Featured Functions:
1.A ’dol à bith no a’ lasadh losgaidh ethanol toinisgeil air òrdachadh le bòrd dealain agus Putan ON / OFF agus rianadair iomallach.
2.In-stealladh lìonadh fèin-ghluasadach agus gnìomh stealladh lìonadh làimhe airson an losgaidh.
3. Stuth ann an stainless agus MDF.
4. Tanca bio-ethanol air leth agus cagailt losgaidh.
5. Lorgaire fo-dhearg sàbhailteachd Co2 a chuireas stad air an teine ma ruigeas e ìrean gun chead.
6.Gnìomh sake dheth ma thèid an losgaidh a ghluasad le feachd bhon taobh a-muigh.
7. Pumpa dealain fèin-ghluasadach gus sruth losgaidh an losgaidh a lìonadh.
8. Le lorgairean teas dealanach, thèid e à bith gu fèin-ghluasadach nuair a ruigeas an teòthachd na h-ìrean neo-ùghdarraichte.
9. Charger AC no charger bataraidh le luchdan bataraidh.
10. Le buaidh fuaim.
11. Gnìomh Lock Cloinne.
1.Mankind dreaming in front of your fireplace becomes imaginative. The fire gives you a future, a consciousness, a spark of heavenly blaze
Fire is an extraordinary element of friendly. Provide a line of fire of more than a metre long is a real asset to designers or individuals wishing to create a unique atmosphere, a new fire concept ! Fire is intimate and universal, fire is ultra-alive!
2.Secure bioethanol insert fireplace with remote controlled electronic ignition
Bioethanol insert fireplace AF40 is beautiful and it is also secure, equipped with a lot of detectors: level, C0², heat sensors, shake sensors etc. Moreover you don’t need to ignite it with a lighter or matches, just press on a button or a remote controller.
3.Art Fireplace Team is a true bio burner and water vapor fire inserts manufacturer
Art Fire is an electronic bio burners with remote controlled automatic ignition manufacturer at the cutting edge of technology. A true bio inserts range without flue which can be installed in houses or flats, in private homes or commercial premises. A range running on 96° bio ethanol, an eco- friendly alcohol manufactured with plants and waste.
4.Bathar gnàthaichte:
Price according to customer requirements size and quantity a single report! Ùine àbhaisteach de 10-15 work days (òrdughan luath, feuch an cuir thu fios gu seirbheis teachdaiche agus reic)
Ceistean Cumanta
C:Dè mu dheidhinn òrdugh sampall?
A:Gabhaidh sinn ri sampall òrdugh mus riochdachadh, tha e na cheum riatanach mus gluais thu gu co-obrachadh soirbheachail, na bi leisg fios a chuir thugainn airson sin.
C:Càite an ceannaich mi fear agus dè a chosgas e?
A:Bidh Art Fireplace a’ cuairteachadh a thoraidhean ann am barrachd air 100 dùthchannan agus a’ lìbhrigeadh gu àite sam bith san t-saoghal. Gus faighinn a-mach càite an ceannaich thu teallach ealain no cuir a-steach, feuch an lìon thu am foirm a lorgas tu air an duilleag conaltraidh. Freagraidh àidseant Art Fireplace thu le post-d taobh a-staigh 24 uairean còmhla ri catalog agus prìsean.
Ma tha an t-iarrtas agad nas mionaidiche agus a’ toirt a-steach aon mhodail sònraichte no barrachd, na bi leisg iomradh a thoirt orra air an fhoirm conaltraidh. An uairsin cuiridh sinn thugad an tuairisgeul teicnigeach sònraichte mun toradh sin, diagram stàlaidh leis na tomhais ri urram a bharrachd air tuairmse a’ toirt a-steach cosgaisean lìbhrigidh.
C:Mar a nì thu sgrùdadh air inbhe an òrduigh agam?
A:Gheibh thu ùrachaidhean inbhe fìor-ùine air na h-òrdughan agad le bhith a’ cur fios thugainn. Tha sinn air faighinn a-mach gu bheil a bhith a’ toirt seachad na freagairtean agus am follaiseachd a tha iad ag iarraidh do luchd-ceannach air leantainn gu ìrean àrda de shàsachadh luchd-cleachdaidh.
C:What’s the order delivery?
A:Depending on what your project or products is, typical turn around is 1-2 weeks. If you have a specific request, please feel free to ask. We can always work out a fast turn around if needed.
The products are shipped by large specialized companies such as DHL, TNT, TPS, etc.
Generally, inserts and fireplaces are delivered within ten working days.
We signed with DHL,FEDEX,TNT,UPS Express.
Cuir do theachdaireachd thugainn:
