Luchd-losgaidh Bio Ethanol Real Flame Cuir a-steach teallach a-staigh goirid Teallach cruinn Cleachdadh a-staigh agus a-muigh

Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh

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Product Introduction

Real Flame Bio Ethanol Burners Insert indoor fireplace short Round Fireplace,easy to install and operate. It save lots of time and money for Interior Decorations. Buannachdan Art Vapor Fires: Chan eil feum air similear, Chan eil feum air connadh, Chan eil feum air bataraidh, Gun teas, No niose.

Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh:

BrandTeallach ealain
ModailReal Flame Bio Ethanol Burners Insert indoor fireplace short Round Fireplace
Smachd IomallachNo
CleachdadhAnns na seòmraichean as ìsle 20 m2
Connadh Caitheamh0.5Liotair/Uair
Toradh teas2850Bhata
Fad lasair358mm / 14.10òirlich
Airde lasrach100mm / 7.08òirlich
Gun spionnadhTha
Meud gearraidh440mm Fad / 17.33òirlich
Meud gearraidh140mm Leud / 5.52òirlich
Meud gearraidh150mm domhainn / 5.91òirlich
BuannachdIgnition fèin-ghluasadach / inneal-smàlaidh, Dìon thairis air teas, Dìon crathadh,C02 sensor, Dìon thar sruth, Cloinne-glas
CleachdadhSeòmar-cadail, Apartment , Bàrr, Oifis…

Feumaidh a h-uile toradh prototype a dhol troimhe 4 sgrùdaidhean sa phròiseas gu lèir:

  1. Sgrùdadh stuthan amh
  2. Ann an giullachd sgrùdaidh
  3. Sgrùdadh deireannach
  4. Sgrùdadh a-mach

Real Flame Bio Ethanol Burners Insert indoor fireplace short Round Fireplace Burner Featured Functions:
1. No power or cables are required and it can be mounted everywhere.
Manual bioethanol burners and fireplaces can be installed and placed freely, because they do not require any power or other cable connection, nor does it need a chimney, vent or flue. The only factor to consider is which size you want the burner to have.However, you, of course, still need to be aware of general fire hazards and safety distances. You can read about safety distances in our guide on the subject.
2. Manual bioethanol burners are cheap Bio ethanol fires have existed for some years, with the manufacturers continuously optimising the production costs. Furthermore, the manual burners does not require any digital technology, and this means that the prices of manual bio fireplaces are quite low at this point.Real Flame Bio Ethanol Burners Insert indoor fireplace short Round FireplaceReal Flame Bio Ethanol Burners Insert indoor fireplace short Round Fireplace.

Ceistean Cumanta:

C: How to start a project?

A: To start your project, please send us the design drawings with a list of material, quantity and finish. Then, you will get the quotation from us within 24 hours.

C: Dè an làimhseachadh uachdar as cumanta airson pàirtean meatailt?

A: Polishing, Black Oxide , Anodized, Powder Coating, Sandblasting, Painting , all kinds of plating(copper plating, chrome plating, nickel plating, gold plating, silver plating…)

C: Chan eil sinn eòlach air còmhdhail eadar-nàiseanta, an làimhsich thu a h-uile rud loidsigeach?

A: Gu cinnteach. Bheir mòran bhliadhnaichean de eòlas agus neach-adhartachaidh co-obrachail fad-ùine làn thaic dhuinn air. Chan urrainn dhut ach an ceann-latha lìbhrigidh innse dhuinn, agus an uairsin gheibh thu am bathar san oifis / dachaigh. Tha draghan eile gar fàgail.

C: Chan eil sinn eòlach air còmhdhail eadar-nàiseanta, an làimhsich thu a h-uile rud loidsigeach?

A: Gu cinnteach. Bheir mòran bhliadhnaichean de eòlas agus neach-adhartachaidh co-obrachail fad-ùine làn thaic dhuinn air. Chan urrainn dhut ach an ceann-latha lìbhrigidh innse dhuinn, agus an uairsin gheibh thu am bathar san oifis / dachaigh. Tha draghan eile gar fàgail.

C:Dè an urras?

A: Tha na toraidhean againn uile a’ tighinn le deagh staid, deiseil airson a chleachdadh.

Tha sinn a 'gealltainn a h-uile neach-dèiligidh 3 ùine barantais fad bhliadhnaichean.

Ma tha na stuthan againn air am milleadh no nach gabh an càradh, cuiridh sinn an aon fhear ùr thugad an-asgaidh airson fear eile. Thèid a h-uile pàirt a bharrachd a lìbhrigeadh dhut an-asgaidh.

Real Flame Bio Ethanol Burners Insert indoor fireplace Round Fireplace Indoor and Outdoor Use

      Cuir do theachdaireachd thugainn: