How to Purchase Art Fire Devices

Txuj Ci Dlaws tso nws cov khoom hauv ntau dua 100 lub teb chaws thiab xa mus rau txhua qhov chaw hauv ntiaj teb. To find out where to purchase an Art Fireplace fireplace or insert, thov sau rau hauv daim foos koj tuaj yeem nrhiav ntawm nplooj ntawv tiv tauj. Tus neeg sawv cev ntawm Qhov Chaw Nrau Duab yuav teb koj hauv email 12 cov sij hawm ua ke nrog cov catalog thiab tus nqi.
Yog tias koj qhov kev thov ntau dua thiab muaj qee qhov lossis tshwj xeeb cov qauv, tsis txhob ua siab deb los hais lawv hauv cov ntawv hu rau. Peb mam li xa koj cov lus piav qhia kev ntawm yam khoom ntawd, ib daim duab kab teeb tsa nrog cov ntsuas kom tau txais kev hwm raws li kev kwv yees suav nrog tus nqi kwv yees.

Is sample order available?
For New distributors,we are pleased to offer a sample unit for first cooperation.

Ua li cas Kuv hais thiab them nyiaj?
Tom qab tau txais koj qhov kwv yees thiab yog tias koj xav tso qhov kev txiav txim, thov xa tuaj rau peb:
Koj qhov chaw nyob xaib nrog rau koj tus lej code (ntxiv rau chaw nyob xa nqi yog txawv).
Tus naj npawb xov tooj rau cov neeg xa khoom.
Ib daim ntawv theej ntawm koj cov nyiaj them poob haujlwm
Them nyiaj tas nrho rau kev xaj khoom:
Los ntawm txhab nyiaj hloov chaw, uas tsis muaj nqi
Siv cov ntaub ntawv hauv tuam txhab muab nyiaj rau ntawm kev kwv yees, thov xa daim ntawv luam rau peb kom peb thiaj li tuaj yeem npaj mus sai rau koj lub pob.
Los ntawm PAYPAL siv koj daim npav rho nyiaj(+4%)
Yog tias koj xaiv cov tshuaj no, thov nug peb kom tau txais daim ntawv them nqi PayPal.
This invoice will be sent to you within 24 hours by email.
Follow the link included to pay directly on the secured PayPal platform.
As soon as your payment is made, we will be informed directly and will ship out your order.
The PayPal company will guarantee the delivery of your order

How long does delivery take?
Art Fireplace is a manufacturer, so it manages production and has a wide inventory.
The products are shipped by large specialized companies such as DHL, TNT, UPS, etc.
Feem ntau, inserts and fireplaces are delivered within ten working days.
For big order,we recommand shipping by sea.

Sijhawm xa: 2020-04-27