Bioethanol fireplaces Bioethanol fireplaces first appeared in 2005.Compared with the traditional wood burning fireplace,Uvođenje ložišta na bioetanol omogućilo je postavljanje kamina gotovo posvuda i bez ventilacije, dimnjak, dim, čađe ili skupog održavanja. Od tad, tehnologija i sigurnost su se razvile, a danas imamo dvije vrste požara na bioetanol: Ručni i automatski plamenici na bioetanol. The manual bioethanol burner does not need electricity, which is more convenient to move, does not produce too much carbon dioxide, and brings a more comfortable and healthy life to your home. Benefits of a Manual Bioethanol Burner 1.Manual Ethanol Fire is one of the best ways to increase the temperature of your room. It is environmentally friendly…
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