Zašto odabrati električni kamin na etanol

An ethanol fireplace is one of the most environment friendly heating systems available in the market today.
Ethanol is a renewable energy source that is derived from corn and compared to wood, it is easier to reproduce. You only need one cropping season to renew to reproduce ethanol while it will take you months or even years to produce wood.

Ethanol fireplaces work just like most types of wood-burning fireplaces.
Za stvaranje topline, ethanol fireplaces burn fuel. The only difference here is that ethanol does not produce smoke and carbon dioxide as the wood fireplace. Zapravo, kamin na etanol prosječne veličine proizvodi vrlo malu količinu ugljičnog dioksida pa ne morate instalirati dimnjak ili dimnjak kada koristite ovu vrstu kamina.

Components of an Ethanol Fireplace
Da dobro funkcionira, ethanol fireplaces need to have an enclosure to house the fire source and a fuel tank to hold the ethanol. Ethanol fireplaces can be stationary or portable. Most types of stationary ethanol fireplaces are mounted against the walls while portable ethanol fireplaces look more like small stoves with enclosures to house the fire.

Safety Precautions
Etanol je vrlo zapaljiva tvar pa je vrlo važno držati spremnik goriva u kaminu cijelo vrijeme dobro zatvoren.

Razlika između ručnog i automatskog kamina na bioetanol;

Za kupnju alkoholnog kamina, morate razumjeti ovo hladno znanje!

Vrijeme objave: 2021-11-29