水蒸気暖炉, a ventless fireplace that produces realistic flames in three dimensions, is available with no burning. Fine water mist and LED light reflect off it to create the flame illusion. 5 FUN FACTS ALL ABOUT WATER VAPOR FIIREPLACES Water Vapor Fireplaces are a great alternative to traditional wood and gas fireplaces. These fireplaces have the best flame imitation of any other types. They don't emit any harmful omissions, which keeps your air clean. ザ "火炎", which is cool to touch, is safe for pets and children, as well as for installation in commercial areas. Water Vapor Fireplaces offer a wide range of installation options. They don't require venting or clearances and can be opened on all sides. They are…続きを読む水蒸気暖炉とは?
Water Vapor Fireplace is an open-air fireplace with realistic flames. 水の霧とLEDライトが反射して炎のような錯覚を生み出します。. 5 水蒸気暖炉について知っておくべき事実: 1, 水蒸気暖炉は、従来の木製またはガス暖炉に代わる優れた代替品です。. 2, すべての代替暖炉タイプの中で最も現実的です。. 3, 有害な排気ガスを排出せず、空気を新鮮に保ちます。. 4, 炎は触れると冷たく、お子様にも安全です。, ペット, 商業スペースや混雑したスペースへの設置. 5, Water Vapor Fireplaces are easy to install because they don’t require clearances or venting. 3D フレームは全方向から開くこともできます。. They are also extremely affordable to…続きを読むエタノール暖炉インサートの取り付け方法
How To Install Ethanol Fireplace Inserts There is no doubt that ethanol fireplaces are becoming increasingly popular among many people with each passing day. This is due to the simplicity and advanced way in which fireplaces are made using ethanol rather than other things such as wood. If you are a big fan of ethanol fireplaces, then you would also be wondering how you could get an ethanol fireplace insert installed successfully in your home.There are many reasons why most people prefer to use ethanol fireplace inserts instead of their conventional heating method. Some of these reasons include: Fireplaces which are powered by ethanol do not necessarily need to be attached to any chimney. This is a very big advantage…続きを読む最もリアルに見える水電気暖炉
If you are searching for the most realistic looking electric fireplace for your houses or offices, you've come to the right place. Even though electric fireplaces are fake fireplaces in a sense that they only replicate traditional wood or gas fireplaces, they still can look incredibly realistic! Electric fireplaces are basically electric heaters that mimic the appearance of traditional fireplaces. When electric fireplaces first came out they didn't look very real. Honestly, they looked pretty cheesy and fake. しかし, technology has come a long way and today, some of these fake fireplaces look incredibly realistic! In this article we will talk about the newest, most innovative, and realistic category of electric fireplaces - 3d water vapor fireplaces. As of today, water vapor fireplaces…続きを読む火炎制御エタノール暖炉
We have come a long way from traditional wood burning fireplaces but today there are more options than ever. From plug and play electric to easy start natural gas to clean-burning bio-ethanol. The possibilities are endless! そう, whether you are looking to have a romantic get together beside a few glowing embers or yearning to enjoy a book in front of a roaring flame, there is a fireplace for that and we’ve found it for you! The new flame controlled ethanol fireplaces can bring a totally different new experience to your home in terms of combining the advantages of the former ethanol fireplaces. Art Fireplace Team Focus On Intelligent Ethanol fires for more than 10 years and we have rich experiences…続きを読む最新の電気エタノール暖炉の幅広い選択
An electric ethanol fireplace is a safe, intelligent, and efficient way to add the beauty of a fireplace to your home. These premium electric ethanol fireplace units offer dynamic installation options to bring new life to any space. Check out our full selection from the industry’s top manufacturer - Art Fireplace. WALL-MOUNT ELECTRIC ETHANOL FIREPLACES A wall-mount bio fireplace does more than just provide warmth and comfort—it's a piece of art. These modern units are great in both residential and commercial applications. BUILT-IN ELECTRIC FIREPLACES A built-in electric bioethanol fireplace provides the warmth and ambiance of a traditional fireplace without the added hassle of wood or gas. Sizes of these fireplaces vary from units just over a feet to more than 10 feet in length, so there’s a…続きを読むエタノール火災のあるリビングルームのアイデア
The fireplace is the focal point of a living room – the place around which family and friends naturally congregate for an evening of relaxation or entertainment. For a modern and animistic style, a geometric fireplace in bright white acts as a stunning focal point of any room. The large size and clean lines make it a design feature that you can base the rest of your decor around. This type of fireplace works best in a home with a large, open floor plan, providing the illusion of creating two separate spaces. This is not a trendy design, though minimalism is very hip right now. Rather, when used in a two-color scheme it creates a timeless aesthetic that, much like fresh flowers…続きを読む恋に落ちるエタノール暖炉のアイデア
An Electric Ethanol Fireplace can be a fantastic addition to a home. 新しいデザイン要素が人気を集めている, 予算に合うだけでなく、インテリアにも溶け込む暖炉を見つけるのは問題ありません。. もちろん, たくさんのデザインからお選びいただけます, どこから始めればよいのかわかりにくいかもしれません, したがって、自分のニーズを実際に評価することが重要です. このようにして, あなたを幸せにし、今後何年にもわたって暖かく快適に過ごすための投資を確実に行うことができます。. Not only does a contemporary ethanol fireplace instantly become a breathtaking focal point for any room, しかし、エネルギー効率の新たな進歩により, これほど費用対効果が高いことはありません. Many…続きを読む最も近代的な暖炉は何ですか
Do you like all things cutting-edge and modern? In that case, the next time you’re looking for a new fireplace, we’re willing to guess that you’ll want one that not only boasts contemporary styling, but also features all of the latest fireplace tech. It seems like more and more appliances are going ‘smart’ these days. From TVs to fridges, appliances and devices are coming with more and more features and technology.If you want to be part of one of the hottest interior design trends this year, then you need to look at water vapor fireplace. As people seek to create a bold, eye-catching focal point in their living room they are creating media walls. As their name suggests, media walls…続きを読むどんな電気暖炉がありますか
新時代の産業革命の産物として, 低エネルギー消費とリサイクル可能な再生可能エネルギーを使用します, 電気暖炉は多種多様です. さまざまな季節にさまざまな電気暖炉を使用できます, 家庭生活に快適さと美しさをもたらすことができる. 電気暖炉の分類は何ですか? 手動エタノールバーナーについて技術とセキュリティは進化しました, そして今日、2種類の手動エタノールバーナーがあります: 手動および自動バイオエタノールバーナー. 必要なフックはなく、どこにでも設置でき、価格もそれほど高くありません。. 手動エタノールバーナーの長所水蒸気暖炉について水蒸気火災は、ウォーターミストを使用する人工電気火災です…続きを読む