
美しい暖炉が輝きを添えます, どんな部屋にも暖かい雰囲気, 家, またはビジネス. 一部の人々は灰を見る, 煙, and carbon emissions of live fireplaces as a drawback and opt for other options instead.These alternative options include 電気暖炉 or バイオエタノール暖炉, 環境にやさしく、魅力的です.

水道水を使用します, 暖炉は霧を空中に発します. その現実的な煙と炎の効果を作成する, LED lights reflect off the water droplets.A beautiful fireplace adds a glow, どんな部屋にも暖かい雰囲気, 家, またはビジネス. 一部の人々は灰を見る, 煙, 欠点としてライブ暖炉の二酸化炭素排出量と代わりに他のオプションを選ぶ.

The flames or flame image of electric fireplaces is approaching more and more the image of real flames. Most electric fireplaces have a flame image, which is achieved by projecting light onto mirrors. With a water vapor fireplace, light is projected onto fine water vapour. The swirling water vapor, lit by colored lamps, resembles flames.That is unlimited fire.

水蒸気暖炉 is completely safe for small children. The swirling water vapor is not hot. The water vapor is created by an ultrasonic evaporator that only evaporates the water and does not heat it. Accessible electrical parts are powered by low voltage and do not pose any further danger. (note! it is of course not a children's toy)

水蒸気暖炉 does require a little more maintenance and consumes more energy than an electric LED fireplace. 加えて, water must of course be topped up regularly, a water vapor fireplace consumes about 4 liters of water per day. In some cases, adding a little extra moisture to the atmosphere can be a plus.

The installation of a 水蒸気暖炉 is also very simple. The water vapor Cassettes are available in different lengths, except that there must be some space around the fireplace so that it can suck in air, there are no special installation instructions.

投稿時間: 2022-07-06