3D Water Mist Fireplace AFW120
Pambuka Produk:
With Flames of Art 3D Water Mist Fireplace Model AFW120,easy to install and operate.It save lots of time and money for Interior Decorations. Kaluwihan Art Vapor Fires: Ora prelu cerobong asep, Ora usah bahan bakar, Ora butuh batere, Ora panas, Ora niose,Only for Interior Designs like real flames with Unlimited Colors.
–Multiple Color Model AFW80:
Merek | Ruang Tamu |
Model | AFW120 |
Ukuran | 1220mm/LX250mm/WX215mm/H48.00inch/LX9.84inch/WX8.46inch |
Remote Control | Nggih |
Panganggone | Ing kamar paling sithik 40 m2 |
Bobot | 28.00kg |
Kapasitas | 3.00Sastra |
Bahan bakar Konsumsi | 0.2Sastra / Jam |
Output | 100Watt |
Dawane Flame | 550mm / 21.65inci |
Dhuwur Flame bisa disetel | 100mm - 400 mm / 3.94inci — 15,75 inci |
Flame Speed luwes | Nggih |
Ukuran Motong | 1180mm Dawane / 46.45inci |
Ukuran Motong | 220mm Jembaré / 8.66inci |
Ukuran Motong | 260mm Jero / 10.24inci |
Kauntungan | Dhuwur geni bisa disetel, Kacepetan geni bisa diatur, Liwat pangayoman aliran, Kunci bocah |
Panganggone | Kamar turu, Apartemen , Bar, Kantor… |
Sertifikasi | CE / FCC / IC |
Merek: ArtFireplace
Product origin: Cina
Delivery time: 7-10 dina kerja
Supply capacity: 100units/Month
Multiple Color 3D Opti Mist Fireplace AFW120 With APP:
- Multiple information LCD Screen
- Mobile App Control And Manual Buttons
- Multi Warna Flame - Umlimited Color Vapor Flames
- Dhuwur Flame bisa disetel - 7 Level Flame Heights
- Flame Speed luwes - 7 Level Flame Speeds
- Disambungake menyang Pipa Banyu
- Loud Speakers
- Warranty: 3 years
Multiple Color 3D Opti-Mist Fires Functions:
1.Button ON/OFF and App Control
2. Bahan ing stainless lan MDF
3.Flame Height - 7 Level Adjustable
4. Kacepetan Flame - 7 Level Adjustable
5.Flame Multiple Colours - Unlimited Colors
6.Water Proof LED Light
7. Timing Function
8.Automatis Isi Tank
9.Sistem Saluran Otomatis
10. Konservasi Energi Hijau
11.Fungsi proteksi overflow
12.Lindhungi nglindhungi voltase lan nglindhungi kebocoran daya
13.3 Years Long Warranty Time
New Art Vapor Fire Models Advantages:
APP Control Capability. Amarga operasional elektronik, powered by a 24-volt power source, insert geni uap iki bisa diuripake / dipateni sing ana ing piranti pembakar dhewe, Manual Buttons On/Off or through your smart phone by integrating with your Smart Home System.
Pemantauan Keamanan On-Board. Motherboard insert geni geni iki aman-tengah. Evaluasi mandhiri babagan operasine, burner cerdas iki reaksi apa wae sing katon ora ati. Apa sampeyan ngrasakake emisi karbon dioksida sing akeh banget, kanthi otomatis bakal mandheg operasi.
Konstruksi sing Kuat. Dibangun saka Kelas 304 waja tahan karat, burner uap tahan korosi lan nuduhake resistensi atmosfer sing apik banget, kimia lan pajanan liyane. Plat paling ndhuwur ukurane ketebalan telung milimeter (3/32 inci). Iki ngidini kaku, durung promosi profil kurang.
Desain Ventilasi. Kanthi Model Api Uap Banyu Seni, bakal luwih gampang kanggo para desainer nginstal kompor uap ing endi wae sing pas ing ruangan kasebut. Ora perlu nyetel sistem ventilasi ing burner.
Advantages of Art Water Mist Fires
Art Fireplace Team Focus on Intelligent Fires.Both Bio ethanol Fires and Water Opti-Mist Fires. We use low voltage 24V input for the devices,and Stainless Steel Top plate with different colors,any customized request are available. It is easy to install and operate the devices. All devices come with spare parts for replacement.It is easy to change the LEDs and vapor makers.
Whether you would like to create a new impressive centre piece in your home or replace your current wood-burner, our bioethanol stove will bring the glowing atmosphere of a real open fire without any hassle, smoke or ashes.
Some of the benefits:
– Ease of Installation
– No Chimney or flues system Required
- 100% Energy Efficiency
– Environmental Friendly
– Easy to Use & Maintain
– Looks and Heats great
Q:Carane bab urutan sampel?
A:Kita nampa pesenan sampel sadurunge produksi, iku langkah perlu sadurunge pindhah menyang kerjasama sukses, aja ragu-ragu kanggo kontak karo kita.
Q: Perawatan permukaan sing paling umum kanggo bagean logam?
A: Matt Black Rampung Top
Q: Kita ora ngerti transportasi internasional, apa sampeyan bakal ngatasi kabeh perkara logistik?
A: Mesthi wae. Pengalaman pirang-pirang taun lan forwarder kerja sama jangka panjang bakal ndhukung kita babagan iki. Sampeyan mung bisa ngandhani tanggal pengiriman, banjur sampeyan bakal nampa barang ing kantor / omah. Masalah liyane diwenehake kanggo kita.
Q:Apa jaminan?
A: Kabeh produk dilengkapi kondhisi sing apik, siyap digunakake.
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