Burner Etanol Babak AR70
Antarane Desain Perapian Seni sing paling apik, The Ventless Round Ethanol Burner AR70 inserts allows the flames to develop freely and in a very natural way. Solusi penengah kanggo geni dinamis sing tetep kompatibel karo kamar ukuran medium.
Merek | Ruang Tamu |
Model | AR70 |
Ukuran | 700mm/DiameterX215mm/H27.56/DiameterX8.46inch |
Remote Control | Nggih |
Panganggone | Ing kamar paling sithik 40 m2 |
Bobot | 29.00kg |
Kapasitas | 13Sastra |
Fuel Consumption | 1.2Sastra / Jam |
Output Panas | 3750Watt |
Dawane Flame | 474mm / 18.66inci |
Dhuwur Geni | 180mm / 7.08inci |
Tanpa guna | Nggih |
Ukuran Motong | 480mm Dawane / 18.90inci |
Ukuran Motong | 480mm Jembaré / 18.90inci |
Ukuran Motong | 250mm Jero / 9.85inci |
Kauntungan | Auto-Ignition / extinguisher, Liwat proteksi panas, Perlindhungan guncang,Sensor C02, Liwat pangayoman aliran, Kunci bocah |
Panganggone | Kamar turu, Apartemen , Bar, Kantor… |
Sertifikasi | CE / FCC / IC |
AR70 Model Featured Functions:
1.Intelligent ethanol burner extinction or ignition ordered by electric board and a Button ON/OFF and remote control.
2.Injeksi ngisi injeksi otomatis lan ngisi manual kanggo burner.
3. Bahan ing stainless lan MDF.
4. Tangki bio-etanol kanthi kapisah lan tungku sing kobong.
5. Detektor inframerah Keamanan Co2 sing nyetop geni yen tekan level sing ora sah.
6.Fungsi sake off yen burner dipindhah dening tenaga eksternal.
7. Automatic electric pump to fill the combustion tray of the burner.
8. Kanthi detektor panas elektronik, bakal punah kanthi otomatis nalika suhu tekan level sing ora sah.
9. Pangisi daya AC utawa pangisi daya batere kanthi loader batere.
10.Kanthi efek audio.
11. Fungsi Kunci Anak.
Inspirations ecological fire: the mix of the cultures and the atmospheres! This will be a great idea for super interior fire space design!
We can conceive all decorations with these new fire-devices. Really Nice idea to own a modern intelligent bio ethanol fireplace!
Nggawa swasana intim geni ayu iki ing ngarep lan seneng coziness murni.
Karo geni kobong seni etanol, Lungguh bareng, Nuduhake Kabahagiaan lan Sukses karo Kulawarga lan Mitra nalika ngombe anggur abang, Ngomong, Dolanan, Ngguyu ... Mesthi Apik!!!
Kabeh produk prototipe kudu dilewati 4 kir ing kabeh proses:
- Pamriksan bahan baku
- Ing pamrosesan pamriksaan
- Pamriksa pungkasan
- Mrekso metu
Top Six Reasons to Choose Bio Ethanol Fireplaces:
A real fire is a stunning addition to any home or garden; whether designed as a subtle statement or a dramatic centrepiece, there is a unique attraction to dancing, flickering flames that simply cannot be matched by any imitation. Bio ethanol fires are becoming an increasingly popular alternative to the traditional wood or coal burning fire – and here are some of the top reasons why.
Q:Carane bab urutan sampel?
A:Kita nampa pesenan sampel sadurunge produksi, iku langkah sing perlu sadurunge pindhah menyang kerjasama sing sukses, aja ragu-ragu kanggo kontak karo kita.
Q:Ing endi bisa tuku siji lan pira regane?
A:Art Fireplace mbagekke produk ing luwih saka 100 negara lan ngirim menyang ngendi wae ing donya. Kanggo mangerteni ngendi tuku Art Fireplace utawa insert, mangga isi formulir sing bisa ditemokake ing kaca kontak. Agen Art Fireplace bakal mangsuli sampeyan liwat email ing 24 jam bebarengan karo katalog lan prices.
Yen panjalukan sampeyan luwih tepat lan kalebu siji utawa luwih model tartamtu, aja ragu-ragu kanggo sebutno ing formulir kontak. Banjur kita bakal ngirim katrangan teknis khusus babagan produk kasebut, diagram instalasi kanthi pangukuran sing kudu dihormati uga perkiraan kalebu biaya pangiriman.
Q:Carane bisa mriksa status pesenan sandi?
A:Sampeyan bisa nampa nganyari status wektu nyata ing pesenan kanthi ngubungi kita. Kita wis nemokake manawa nyedhiyakake jawaban lan transparansi sing dikarepake para pelanggan wis nyebabake tingkat kepuasan pelanggan sing dhuwur..
Q:How do I order and pay?
A:After receiving your estimate and if you want to place an order, please send us:
Your delivery address including postal code (plus a billing address if different).
A telephone number for the deliverer
A copy of your payment
Full payment on ordering:
By bank transfer, with no fees
Using the bank information provided on the estimate, please send us a copy so we can immediately proceed to ship your package.
By PAYPAL using your credit card(+4%)
If you choose this solution, please ask us for the PayPal invoice.
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