Smart Ethanol Burner AF120
Smart Ethanol Burner AF120 Pitepangan produk:
The AF120 with 48inch long electronic remote controlled smart ethanol burner:
Inspirations ecological fire: the mix of the cultures and the atmospheres. This will be a great idea for super interior designs!
Rincian Produk:
Merek | Ruang Tamu |
Model | AF120 |
Ukuran | 1220mm/LX240mm/WX215mm |
Remote Control | Nggih |
Panganggone | Ing kamar paling sithik 35 m2 |
Bobot | 38.00kg |
Kapasitas | 14.5Sastra |
Bahan bakar Konsumsi | 1.2Sastra / Jam |
Output Panas | 4950Watt |
Dawane Flame | 934mm / 36.77inci |
Dhuwur Geni | 200mm / 7.87inci |
Tanpa guna | Nggih |
Ukuran Motong | 1180mm Dawane / 46.46inci |
Ukuran Motong | 220mm Jembaré / 8.66inci |
Ukuran Motong | 250mm Jero / 9.85inci |
Kauntungan | Auto-Ignition / extinguisher, Liwat proteksi panas, Perlindhungan guncang,Sensor C02, Liwat pangayoman aliran, Kunci bocah |
Panganggone | Lobi hotel, Aula Pameran , Bar, Kantor,Villa… |
Sertifikasi | CE / FCC / IC |
AF120 Model Featured Functions:
1.Pambakar etanol cerdas sing cerdas utawa kontak sing diprentah dening papan listrik lan Tombol ON / OFF lan remot kontrol.
2.Injeksi ngisi injeksi otomatis lan ngisi manual kanggo burner.
3. Bahan ing stainless lan MDF.
4. Tangki bio-etanol kanthi kapisah lan tungku sing kobong.
5. Detektor inframerah Keamanan Co2 sing nyetop geni yen tekan level sing ora sah.
6.Fungsi sake off yen burner dipindhah dening tenaga eksternal.
7. Pompa listrik otomatis kanggo ngisi pembakaran burner.
8. Kanthi detektor panas elektronik, bakal punah kanthi otomatis nalika suhu tekan level sing ora sah.
9. Pangisi daya AC utawa pangisi daya batere kanthi loader batere.
10. Kanthi efek audio.
11. Fungsi Kunci Anak.
User Guider and Data Sheet On Request:
Among the best in Art bioethanol burner designs, the AF120 Remote Controlled Electronic Bio Ethanol Burner Inserts is favored by architects, contractors and high-end designers and offers the discerning client unprecedented quality and safety. In addition to the same vent-free and clean burning flames as manual ethanol fireplace inserts, this art-Fire bio ethanol burner offers much more for both residential and commercial applications!!
Kapabilitas Remote Control. Amarga operasional elektronik, didhukung dening sumber daya rolas volt, this ethanol fireplace insert may be ignited and extinguished through an on/off switch located on the burner itself, a one-button remote control or through your smart phone by integrating with your Smart Home System.
Pemantauan Keamanan On-Board. Motherboard insert geni geni iki aman-tengah. Evaluasi mandhiri babagan operasine, burner cerdas iki reaksi apa wae sing katon ora ati. Should it sense an excess amount of carbon dioxide emission or heat output, kanthi otomatis bakal mandheg operasi, extinguish the flame and maintain the lock mechanism of the fuel chamber. Additionally, it will self-extinguish should it sense seismic motion or level of tilt making it a shock-proof device. Fuel and battery levels are also constantly evaluated for optimal performance and will give notification through the burner’s LED display, which will indicate operation times and alert you by sound and error message should an event occur.
Konstruksi sing Kuat.
Dibangun saka Kelas 304 waja tahan karat, the ethanol burner is corrosion resistant and exhibits excellent resistance to atmospheric, kimia lan pajanan liyane. Plat paling ndhuwur ukurane ketebalan telung milimeter (3/32 inci). Iki ngidini kaku, durung promosi profil kurang. For added safety, the ethanol fireplace AF120 insert offers insulated double hearth construction.
Separate Fuel Reservoir and Burner Tray. Continuing with the unprecedented safety features of this ethanol burner, excess fuel is housed in a sealed reservoir. This not only prevents fuel evaporation and the aromatic release of the raw ethanol, but lessens the amount of “exposed” fuel at any given time. Through a medical grade fuel pump, the ethanol is delivered into the burner tray. Only allowing the burner tray to manage a few centiliters of ethanol fuel at a given time promotes additional safety and minimizes the risk of fire-related dangers.
Kabeh produk prototipe kudu dilewati 4 kir ing kabeh proses:
- Pamriksan bahan baku
- Ing pamrosesan pamriksaan
- Pamriksa pungkasan
- Mrekso metu
Q: Cara miwiti proyek?
A: Kanggo miwiti proyek sampeyan, tulung kirim gambar desain kanthi dhaptar bahan, jumlahe lan rampung. Banjur, sampeyan bakal oleh kuotasi saka njero njero 24 jam.
Q: Perawatan permukaan sing paling umum kanggo bagean logam?
A: Polesan, Oksida Ireng , Anodized, Lapisan Bubuk, Sandblasting, Lukisan , kabeh jinis plating(plating tembaga, plating krom, plating nikel, plating emas, plating perak…)…
Q: Kita ora ngerti transportasi internasional, apa sampeyan bakal ngatasi kabeh perkara logistik?
A: Mesthi wae. Pengalaman pirang-pirang taun lan forwarder kerja sama jangka panjang bakal ndhukung kita babagan iki. Sampeyan mung bisa ngandhani tanggal pengiriman, banjur sampeyan bakal nampa barang ing kantor / omah. Masalah liyane diwenehake kanggo kita.
Q: Kita ora ngerti transportasi internasional, apa sampeyan bakal ngatasi kabeh perkara logistik?
A: Mesthi wae. Pengalaman pirang-pirang taun lan forwarder kerja sama jangka panjang bakal ndhukung kita babagan iki. Sampeyan mung bisa ngandhani tanggal pengiriman, banjur sampeyan bakal nampa barang ing kantor / omah. Masalah liyane diwenehake kanggo kita.