Koka pamatzināšanu kopsavilkums
Pamatzināšanas par kamīniem: Kamīnus var iedalīt malkas kurināmajos, ar gāzi darbināmi, ogļu un elektriskie kamīni atbilstoši siltuma avotam; tos pēc struktūras iedala iegultajos un neatkarīgajos. Izņemot elektriskos kamīnus, tos sauc par īstiem kamīniem. Malkas kamīniem uz jumta ir jāuzstāda dūmvads, savukārt gāzes kamīniem nav nepieciešams papildus skurstenis, tikai 20 cm caurums sānu sienā, gan pirms, gan pēc mājas apdares. Var būvēt daudzstāvu ēkas un villas. Gāzes kamīns ir sabalansēta izplūde. 100%sadegšanas gaisa tiek iesūkts no ārpuses caur koaksiālo kanālu. Mazas caurules ir iestrādātas lielās caurulēs, lai nodrošinātu pilnīgu degošās gāzes izolāciju, thereby ensuring the quality…Read moreKādas ir elektronisko kamīnu īpašības
With the improvement of living standards, whether it is villas, apartments, hotels, model rooms, KTV, exhibition halls, living halls, cinemas, living rooms, bedrooms, study rooms, airports, cafes, tea houses, bars, dining venues and entertainment venues, utt. What are the characteristics of the electric fireplace? 1. As a new type of electric heating appliance that integrates modern optical principles, it has excellent functions for saving natural resources and environmental protection, and provides more convenient heating performance under the premise of preserving the original classical style. 2. The electric fireplace series products are based on European classical fireplace production technology and modern acoustic and optical principles, which greatly improves the design of traditional fireplaces, and creates green environmental protection and more fierce…Read moreVai televizoru var uzstādīt virs kamīna?
Putting the TV above the fireplace is a more classic and conventional method, bet kādiem jautājumiem jāpievērš uzmanība projektēšanas un būvniecības procesā? No drošības viedokļa, ir jāpievērš uzmanība diviem aspektiem: Prevent the TV from overheating and malfunctioning TVs are electronic products with a large number of temperature-sensitive semiconductor components inside. Kad televizors pārkarst, šīs sastāvdaļas var darboties nepareizi. Darbības laikā kamīns rada daudz siltuma. Lai gan lielākā daļa siltuma telpā tiek izstarota caur durvju stiklu, daļa siltuma tiek atbrīvota, vadot sienu. We call this part of the wall where the surface temperature is higher than room temperature…Read moreKurš sildīšanas efekts ir labāks, elektriskais kamīns vai gaisa kondicionieris?
Kā sadzīves elektriskā apkures iekārta, elektriskajam kamīnam piemīt tīrības īpašības, drošību un uzticamību, ērta iekraušana un izkraušana, un augsts sadegšanas izmantošanas līmenis. Salīdzinājumā ar malkas un gāzes kamīniem, elektriskajiem kamīniem nebūs neparedzamu kvēpu, dīvainas smakas un trokšņi, kas rodas liesmas degšanas laikā; elektriskie kamīni var ne tikai ietaupīt apkures izmaksas, bet arī sniedz elegantus skatīšanās efektus. Ērti izbaudiet siltumu un komfortu, ko sniedz elektriskais kamīns. Pieskarieties slēdzim, maģiskais liesmas efekts tiks parādīts uzreiz. Ērta uzstādīšana, krāšņā liesma ienesīs jūsu mājas dekorācijā skaistu noskaņu. Arī elektriskā kamīna lietošana un uzstādīšana ir ļoti vienkārša, bez sarežģītiem sagatavošanas darbiem, as long as the fireplace is…Read moreElektriskā kamīna darbības princips
The heat transfer of the fireplace is like the sun, galvenokārt siltuma starojums un dabiskā konvekcija. Kamīna centrs var sasniegt vairākus simtus grādu, un ventilatora formā temperatūra pakāpeniski samazinās. Nevienmērīga temperatūra veido gaisa konvekciju, pielāgo sauso mitrumu telpās, un rada līdzsvaru cilvēku apmetnē. Izstarojošais siltums, kas satur infrasarkanos starus, piemēram, saules gaisma, var sterilizēt un vadīt mitrumu, liek cilvēkiem justies ļoti silti un ērti.Read moreAtšķirība starp elektronisko kamīnu un īsto kamīnu
With the improvement of living standards, many people now choose to install a fireplace when decorating a new house, especially in colder areas, which are more popular, but many people hesitate between electronic fireplaces and real fire fireplaces , So what are the differences between them, let’s take a look 1. Installation: Real fire fireplace: The chimney with flue is more troublesome to install, and the construction team is more professional, suitable for the installation of single-family villas or self-built houses. Electric fireplace: There is no need to set up a flue chimney, the installation is more simple and convenient, and it can also be installed in ordinary communities. 2. Izmaksas: Real fireplace: installation is troublesome, difficult and expensive; most…Read moreKam jāpievērš uzmanība, pērkot elektronisko kamīnu
Electric fireplace is the product of times development, its practical and energy-saving sex let it quickly enter the vision of the masses, as the improvement of living standard and the pursuit of individual to savour, a lot of people can consider to install electric fireplace after new house is decorated, so what problem need to notice more when considering electric fireplace how to choose? 1. Choose the most professional fireplace company first.Set fireplace sales, installation, maintenance and design as one of the professional companies.Good service of electric fireplace businesses are generally very confident of their products, such businesses have excellent technology, electric fireplace after-sales guarantee, will continue to focus on improving the user experience. 2. security: the security of the…Read moreElektriskā kamīna attīstības tendence
Old-fashioned heating always looks out of place in the modern decoration style, economical and practical is no longer a single consideration for people. The emergence of electric fireplaces makes up for the shortcomings of the old heating equipment. While ensuring the basic heating needs, it also provides designers with new inspiration. From the current point of view, the development trend of electric fireplaces generally has the following three points. 1. Intelligent operation One aspect of the development trend of modern home furnishing has basically reached a consensus, tas ir, the operation is intelligent. The electric fireplace has a lot of intelligent control systems built-in with the times, such as temperature adjustment, duration setting, electric leakage prevention, and fault self-checking. Operators…Read moreKam jāpievērš uzmanība, uzstādot elektronisko kamīnu
1. The fireplace installed in the room with the most activities can achieve the maximum thermal efficiency. If the indoor floor height is high, use the fan to slowly spread the heat to the activity area. 2. In order to match the fireplace with full-automatic operation, the electric socket and wire connection box shall be installed beside the installation position before the final installation. 3. If it is a duplex house, if the electric fireplace can be placed on the stair turning platform, the heat can be directly transmitted to the upper room or the lower room, so as to achieve the purpose of energy saving. 4. The floor where the fireplace is placed also needs to be insulated. The…Read morePar simulācijas elektronisko kamīnu
Decorating Decorative simulation fireplace is more prominent and popular. It simulates the effect of "burning wood" in fireplace to achieve the purpose of house decoration, without heating function. It can be seen in neoclassical style. Advantages of folding simulation fireplace Simulation fireplace does not need to consider the problem of flue. Vispārīgi, there are few buildings with flue space in China. If simulation fireplace is used, it does not need to transform the single villa and other spaces, and can be directly installed to achieve the beautiful effect. Papildus, as a heating equipment, the fireplace in China can not fully meet the needs of indoor heating, or it is mainly decorative. So the simulation fireplace is relatively simple, convenient,…Read more