With the improvement of living standards, whether it is villas, апартмани, хотели, модел соби, КТВ, изложбени сали, дневни сали, кина, дневни соби, спални соби, студиски простории, аеродроми, кафулиња, tea houses, барови, dining venues and entertainment venues, итн. What are the characteristics of the electric fireplace? 1. As a new type of electric heating appliance that integrates modern optical principles, it has excellent functions for saving natural resources and environmental protection, and provides more convenient heating performance under the premise of preserving the original classical style. 2. The electric fireplace series products are based on European classical fireplace production technology and modern acoustic and optical principles, што во голема мера го подобрува дизајнот на традиционалните камини, and creates green environmental protection and more fierce…
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