Burner tal-Etanol Kwadru AS50
Square Automatic Ethanol Burner AS50 Insert:
Square Ethanol Burner AS50 With Remote Featured Functions:
1. Automatic ethanol burner extinction or ignition ordered by electric board and a Button ON/OFF and remote control.
2. Materjal fl-istainless steel u MDF.
3. Separatament tank tal-bijo-etanol u fuklar tal-ħruq.
4. Detector tal-infra-aħmar tas-sigurtà Co2 li jwaqqaf in-nar fil-każ li jilħaq livelli mhux awtorizzati.
5. Pompa elettrika awtomatika biex timla l-berner.
6. Ditekters elettroniċi tas-sħana, se jitfi awtomatikament meta t-temperatura tilħaq il-livelli mhux awtorizzati.
7. Ċarġer tal-AC jew ċarġer tal-batterija bil-loader tal-batterija.
8. B 'effett awdjo.
9. Funzjoni ta 'Lock tat-Tfal.
Related other models of art intelligent insert ventless alcohol bio ethanol fireplaces:
Automatic insert bio ethanol burner AF66 (68X24X21.5cm)
Automatic insert bio ethanol burner AF100 (102X24X21.5cm)
Automatic insert bio ethanol burner AF120 (122X24X21.5cm)
Automatic insert bio ethanol burner AF150 (152X24X21.5cm)
Automatic insert bio ethanol burner AF180 (182X24X21.5cm)
Reference | Produzzjoni(Watts) | Konsum(Litre/hour) | Tank capacity(Litres) | DimensionsL x W x H (cm) | Piż(Kgs) | Minimum volume * (m3) |
AF40 | 2650 | 0.35 | 3.7 | 40*24*21.5 | 12.0 | 35 |
AF50 | 2850 | 0.4 | 2.0 | 50*24*21.5 | 10.5 | 42 |
AF66 | 3750 | 0.6 | 4.0 | 68*24*21.5 | 14 | 59 |
AF100 | 6200 | 0.9 | 5.7 | 102*24*21.5 | 20 | 90 |
AF120 | 7500 | 1.1 | 12.4 | 122*24*21.5 | 30 | 105 |
AF150 | 10000 | 1.5 | 15.7 | 152*24*21.5 | 40 | 120 |
AF180 | 12400 | 1.9 | 19.0 | 182*24*21.5 | 50 | 140 |
AF210 | 14000 | 2.1 | 21.0 | 210*24*21.5 | 65 | 150 |
AF230 | 15600 | 2.3 | 23.0 | 230*24*21.5 | 78 | 160 |
AS50 | 8750 | 1.2 | 9.0 | 50*50*21.5 | 25 | 130 |
AH66 | 3750 | 0.6 | 4.0 | 110*27.5*56 | 37 | 50 |
AH100 | 6200 | 0.9 | 5.7 | 144*27.5*56 | 47 | 80 |
AF40 | 2650 | 0.35 | 3.7 | 40*24*21.5 | 12.0 | 35 |
Top plate Colors Avialable:
Products Certifications:
1.Il-bnedmin li joħolmu quddiem il-fuklar tiegħu jsiru immaġinattivi. In-nar jagħtih futur, sensi, xrar ta’ nar tas-sema
In-nar huwa element straordinarju ta 'ħbiberija. Ipprovdi linja ta 'nar ta' aktar minn metru twila hija vantaġġ reali għal disinjaturi jew individwi li jixtiequ joħolqu atmosfera unika, kunċett ġdid tan-nar ! In-nar huwa intimu u universali, nar huwa ultra-ħajja!
2. Sikura nar daħħal il-bijoetanol b'ignition elettronika kkontrollata mill-bogħod
Bioethanol insert fireplace is beautiful but it is also secure, mgħammra b'ħafna ditekters: livell, C0², sensuri tas-sħana eċċ. Barra minn hekk m'għandekx bżonn taqbadha b'lajter jew logħbiet, agħfas biss fuq il-kontroll mill-bogħod.
3. Art Fireplace a veru bio burner inserts manifattur
Art Fire huwa bijo-berners elettroniċi b'manifattur ta 'ignition awtomatiku kkontrollat mill-bogħod fl-aktar avvanzata tat-teknoloġija. Firxa ta 'inserzjonijiet bijo vera mingħajr ċumnija li tista' tiġi installata fi djar jew appartamenti, fi djar privati jew bini kummerċjali.
Firxa li taħdem fuq bijoetanol 96°, eko- alkoħol amikevoli manifatturat bil-pjanti u l-iskart.
4.Prodotti personalizzati:
prezz skond il-ħtiġijiet tal-klijent daqs u kwantità rapport wieħed!
Tul normali ta' 10-15 ġranet tax-xogħol (ordnijiet mħaffa, jekk jogħġbok ikkonsulta s-servizz tal-konsumatur u l-bejgħ)
Detailed information about our bio ethanol fireplaces, please contact us freely.
What do you supply?
Art Fire Technology Limited is focusing in Intelligent Bio Ethanol Fireplaces.
We are Not Just Trader,we are Manufacturer.
Can a room be heated by a decorative fireplace ?
Biofireplace are primarity for decorative purposes, but are also an efficient source of heat and although they certainly do not replace the heating system, they serve a supplementary feature to underfloor heating, A 100% of heat energy from biofire remains in the room and if it is placed in a small room(less than 30 meters square)a few minutes is enough to make the room warmer.
Can you help me make my own design?
Sure. We have a professional R&D team to design new items. We’ve made OEM and ODM items for many customers. You can tell me your idea or provide us the drawing, we are pleased to develop for you.
How can check my order status?
You can receive real-time status updates on your orders by contacting us. We have found that providing customers with the answers and transparency they desire has led to high levels of customer satisfaction
What's the order delivery?
Depending on what your project or products is, typical turn around is 4-5 weeks. If you have a specific request, please feel free to ask. We can always work out a fast turn around if needed.
Do you hold high quality standard processes?
One of the main reasons why our customers stay loyal to us is because of our high commitment to quality results. This quality assurance is demonstrated from the moment we take your order. We carefully monitor our finishing lines and we adhere strictly to our quality control procedures for every task.
What's the payment method?
We accept Telex Transfer/Letter of Credit/Escrow/Paypal/West union/Draft Trade Through Alibaba Etc.