Wall Mounted Ethanol Fireplace AH100

Wall Mounted Ethanol Fireplace AH100:

1. Automatic ethanol fireplace extinction or ignition ordered by electric board and a Button ON/OFF and remote control.

2. Materjal fl-istainless steel u MDF.

3. Separatament tank tal-bijo-etanol u fuklar tal-ħruq.

4. Detector tal-infra-aħmar tas-sigurtà Co2 li jwaqqaf in-nar fil-każ li jilħaq livelli mhux awtorizzati.

5. Pompa elettrika awtomatika biex timla l-berner.

6. Ditekters elettroniċi tas-sħana, se estinzjoni automatice meta t-temperatura tilħaq il-livelli mhux awtorizzati.

7. Ċarġer tal-AC jew ċarġer tal-batterija bil-loader tal-batterija.

8, B 'effett awdjo.

9. Funzjoni ta 'Lock tat-Tfal.

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Wall Mounted Ethanol Fireplace AH100

Fost l-aqwa Disinni tal-Art Fireplace, The Ventless Model Ethanol Burner AH100 (144cm)inserts allows the flames to develop freely and in a very natural way. The intermediate solution for a dynamic fre which remains compatible with the medium-sized rooms.

Product Datas:

MudellKontroll mill-bogħodButton ControlTank CapacityKonsumDimensjoniGross WeightUżu

  • Wall Mounted Ethanol Fireplace AH100

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