Wall Mounted Ethanol Fireplace AH100

Wall Mounted Ethanol Fireplace AH100:

1. Automatic ethanol fireplace extinction or ignition ordered by electric board and a Button ON/OFF and remote control.

2. Khoom siv nyob rau hauv stainless thiab MDF.

3. Nyias bio-ethanol tank thiab hlawv hearth.

4. Co2 kev ruaj ntseg infrared detector uas nres qhov hluav taws kub hauv cov kev tshwm sim uas xeeb un-authorized theem.

5. Hluav taws xob twj tso kua mis kom tus burner.

6. Nrog hluav taws kub detectors, Nws yuav automatice extinction thaum kub xeeb lub un-authorized theem.

7. AC charger los yog roj teeb charger nrog roj teeb loader.

8, Nrog lub suab nyhuv.

9. Kev Ua Hauj Lwm Rau Kev Ua Hauj Lwm.

Khoom kom paub meej

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Wall Mounted Ethanol Fireplace AH100

Ntawm daim duab zoo fireplace Designs, The Ventless Model Ethanol Burner AH100 (144cm)inserts allows the flames to develop freely and in a very natural way. The intermediate solution for a dynamic fre which remains compatible with the medium-sized rooms.

Product Datas:

qauvTej thaj chaw deb tswjButton ControlTank CapacitynojdimensionGross Weightsiv

  • Wall Mounted Ethanol Fireplace AH100

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