Wall Mounted Ethanol Fireplace AH66

Wall Mounted Ethanol Fireplace AH66:

1. Automatic ethanol fireplace extinction or ignition ordered by electric board and a Button ON/OFF and remote control.

2. Khoom siv nyob rau hauv stainless thiab MDF.

3. Nyias bio-ethanol tank thiab hlawv hearth.

4. Co2 kev ruaj ntseg infrared detector uas nres qhov hluav taws kub hauv cov kev tshwm sim uas xeeb un-authorized theem.

5. Hluav taws xob twj tso kua mis kom tus burner.

6. Nrog hluav taws kub detectors, Nws yuav automatice extinction thaum kub xeeb lub un-authorized theem.

7. AC charger los yog roj teeb charger nrog roj teeb loader.

8, Nrog lub suab nyhuv.

9. Kev Ua Hauj Lwm Rau Kev Ua Hauj Lwm.

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Wall Mounted Ethanol Fireplace AH66 Khoom qhia:

Ntawm daim duab zoo fireplace Designs, The Ventless Model Ethanol Burner AH66 (110cm) inserts allows the flames to develop freely and in a very natural way. Cov tshuaj intermediate tov rau ib dynamic hluav taws uas tshua compatible nrog lub nruab nrab-sized chav tsev.

Product Datas:

qauvTej thaj chaw deb tswjButton ControlTank CapacitynojdimensionGross Weightsiv

AF66 Model Featured Functions:

1.Ntse ethanol burner extinction los yog ignition txiav txim los ntawm pawg thawj coj saib thiab ib Khawm ON/OFF thiab tej thaj chaw deb controller.

2.Kev txhaj tshuaj thiab manual sau txhaj koob tshuaj tivthaiv rau lub burner.

3. Khoom siv nyob rau hauv stainless thiab MDF.
4. Nyias bio-ethanol tank thiab hlawv hearth.
5. Co2 kev ruaj ntseg infrared detector uas nres qhov hluav taws kub hauv cov kev tshwm sim uas xeeb un-authorized theem.
6.Sake tawm muaj nuj nqi yog tus burner yog nyuam qhuav txav los ntawm lwm cov hwjchim.
7. Hluav taws xob fais fab mus sau lub combustiontray ntawm tus burner.
8. Nrog hluav taws kub detectors, Nws yuav automatic extinction thaum kub xeeb lub un-authorized theem.
9. AC charger los yog roj teeb charger nrog roj teeb loader.
10. Nrog lub suab nyhuv.
11. Kev Ua Hauj Lwm Rau Kev Ua Hauj Lwm.

Khoom parameters:

Inspirations ecological hluav taws: Tus ntse ntawm cov kev cai thiab cov cua! Qhov no yuav yog ib lub tswv yim zoo kawg thiab rau super tha xim sab hauv hluav taws kub tsim!

Peb yuav conceive tag nrho decorations nrog cov hluav taws kub tshiab-li. Yeej zoo lub tswv yim los muaj ib tug niaj hnub ntse bio ethanol fireplace!

Nqa cov cua intimate cua ntawm no zoo nkauj fireplace hauv koj lub tsev thiab txaus siab rau cov ntshiab coziness.

Nrog taws ntawm daim duab ethanol Fireplace, Zaum ua ke, Sib koom lub Zoo Siab thiab kawm tau zoo nrog koj tsev neeg thiab cov neeg uas nrog ib tug neeg thaum haus caw liab, Tham lus, ua si, Luag... Uas yuav tsum tau zoo kawg thiab!!!

Khoom parameters:

Inspirations ecological hluav taws: Tus ntse ntawm cov kev cai thiab cov cua! Qhov no yuav yog ib lub tswv yim zoo kawg thiab rau super tha xim sab hauv hluav taws kub tsim!

Peb yuav conceive tag nrho decorations nrog cov hluav taws kub tshiab-li. Yeej zoo lub tswv yim los muaj ib tug niaj hnub ntse bio ethanol fireplace!

Nqa cov cua intimate cua ntawm no zoo nkauj fireplace hauv koj lub tsev thiab txaus siab rau cov ntshiab coziness.

Nrog taws ntawm daim duab ethanol Fireplace, Zaum ua ke, Sib koom lub Zoo Siab thiab kawm tau zoo nrog koj tsev neeg thiab cov neeg uas nrog ib tug neeg thaum haus caw liab, Tham lus, ua si, Luag... Uas yuav tsum tau zoo kawg thiab!!!

Tag nrho cov khoom uas muaj mus txog 4 cov tshev mis rau tag nrho cov txheej txheem tseem:

  1. Nyoos khoom soj ntsuam
  2. Txheej txheem kev soj ntsuam
  3. kev soj ntsuam zaum kawg
  4. Ntsaws kev soj ntsuam


Q:Yuav ua li cas thiaj li yuav txiav txim tau?

A:Peb txais qauv txiav txim ua ntej ntau lawm, it's an necessary step before moving to successful cooperation, tsis hesitate hu rau peb ntawd.

Q:Kuv yuav muas ib thiab npaum li cas nws raug nqi ntau npaum li cas?

A:Daim duab Fireplace distributes nws cov khoom nyob rau hauv ntau tshaj 100 Lub teb chaws thiab muab rau qhov twg nyob hauv lub ntiaj teb. Yog xav paub seb qhov twg yuav ib daim duab Art Fireplace los yog insert, Thov sau rau hauv daim ntawv uas koj nrhiav tau nyob rau ntawm nplooj ntawv. Ib daim duab Fireplace tus neeg saib xyuas yuav teb koj los ntawm email tsis pub dhau 24 teev nrog ib catalog thiab nqi.

Yog hais tias koj thov yog precise ntau precise thiab muaj ib tug qauv los yog ntau dua qauv, tsis txhob txaj muag los pav lawv ntawm daim ntawv hu. Peb mam li xa koj cov lus piav txog qhov khoom ntawd, Tus plahaum diagram nrog cov kev ntsuas kom tau respected thiab raws li tus kwv yees li ntawm tus kwv yees li ntawm tus nqi.

  • Wall Mounted Ethanol Fireplace AH66

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