• Wat zijn de verschillen tussen handmatige ethanolbranden en automatische ethanolbranden

    Differences Between Manual Ethanol Fires And Automatic Ethanol Fires Choosing the perfect bio ethanol fireplace from the wide array of models and burner types available can be quite daunting. Echter, understanding waht the differences are between a manual ethanol fireplace and an automatic ethanol fireplace can help you make an informed decision. The key contrasts lie in their operation and control mechanisms. A manual bio ethanol fireplace requires manual intervention for fuel filling, ignition, flame control, and extinguishing, with the user personally monitoring the process. On the other hand, an automatic ethanol fireplace incorporates electronic controls, such as pumped fuel filling, automatic ignition, adjustable flame intensity and electronic extinguishing options, providing convenience and added safety features. Let's delve deeper into…
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  • 2023 Koopgids voor waterstoomhaarden

    2023 Water Steam Fireplace Buying Guide A beautiful fireplace adds a glow, een warme sfeer in elke kamer, huis, of zaken. Sommige mensen bekijken de as, rook, en koolstofemissies van levende haarden als een nadeel en in plaats daarvan voor andere opties kiezen. These alternative options include electric fireplaces or bio-ethanol fireplaces, die milieuvriendelijk en aantrekkelijk zijn. Bij Art-Openhaard, we zijn er trots op dat we de experts zijn op het gebied van elektrische en bio-ethanol haarden voor uw huis en bedrijf. Vandaag, we gaan de trendy waterstoomhaard bekleden, die werkt op elektriciteit en waterdamp. 3D Waterstoomhaard - Double-sided water vapor fireplace ● What to Know About Water Vapor Fireplaces? Geen schadelijke uitstoot, gewoon schoon, verse lucht. Geen rommel, no smoke…
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  • Moderne interieurontwerpen Trendy met 3D elektrische waterdamphaarden

    Modern Interior Designs Trendy With Electric 3D Water Vapor Fireplaces It is a trendy that Modern fireplaces are a welcome addition to any room. Ja, a fireplace should be cozy, so you might be thinking that modern design is too cold and stark an environment for fireplaces—but the second you lay eyes on the striking fireplaces ahead, you'll see why those things don't have to be opposites. In feite, a fireplace might be just the thing to warm up a modern space. Keep reading to discover that you don't have to sacrifice homey vibes in the name of clean lines, and let these fireplaces prove to you that modern is the move. For the Modern Interior Designers, most spaces are…
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  • Stimuleer uw fantasie met een elektrische open haard

    Ignite Your Imagination With An Electric Fireplace If you are looking for an efficient and economical fireplace, Elektrische ethanol- en waterhaarden zullen de beste keuze voor u blijken te zijn. Ze zijn 100% milieuvriendelijk en hebben een betere levensduur in vergelijking met andere open haarden. ls bekend als een ethanolverwarming, gelbrandstof open haard, bio vlam open haard, ethanol brander, of biobrandstof open haard, De structuur van een ethanol open haard bestaat uit roestvrij staal gemaakt van een efficiënte branderlade, topkwaliteit beschermend scherm, en dek af of honk. Kooldioxide, stoom, en warmte is de enige verbranding door producten van kachels, wat betekent dat er geen vereiste is voor buitenventilatie of een rookkanaal. MODERN DESIGN Adding an ethanol fireplace to your home is a…
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  • Hoe veilig is een plafondhaard voor mijn huis?

    Hoe veilig is een plafondhaard voor mijn huis?? Contemporary fireplace design offers various styles, safe and inexpensive ways to add personality to interior design and decor. Suspended from a ceiling hanging fireplaces are the exciting, fresh and unusual way to make a statement. Ceiling Mounted Ethanol Fireplaces are hazardous if not properly secured. A suspended ceiling fireplace that hangs in the middle of a room is beautiful, and safe if the structure is solid. Contemporary fireplace designs offer various styles that are a safe and inexpensive way to add personality to interior decor and design. Do you love the idea of a cozy fireplace, but wonder if it is safe enough for your family? Families with young children are…
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  • Ultrafijne koude vlammen waterdamp open haard

    Ultrafine Cold Flames Water Vapor Fireplace With No Danger Or Constraints Electric Water vapor fireplaces, also known as virtual fireplaces or electric fireplaces, create the illusion of flames and smoke using water vapor or mist. They use LED lights and a water reservoir to create the flame effect, and allow for adjustable Flame and Color settings. These types of fireplaces are typically more energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly than traditional wood-burning fireplaces. They are also often easier to install and maintain, as they do not require a chimney or venting system. Water vapor fireplaces are becoming more popular as a stylish and convenient alternative to traditional fireplaces. De 3D-haard levert geen gevaar op, dus u hoeft zich geen zorgen te maken. An Art-fireplace cold…
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  • Ontwerp uw huis met een rijk gevoel van warmte en comfort

    Design Your House With A Rich Sense Of Warmth And Comfort What’s the difference between a free-standing fireplace and a ceiling-mounted fireplace? The primary difference between a free-standing fireplace and a recessed bio-ethanol ceiling fireplace is that one product is portable, and the other is mounted to your ceiling.If you’re looking for a fireplace that is easy to install, and saves space in your living or commercial area, then the ceiling-mounted fireplace is the best choice for you.However, if you enjoy using your fireplace in your living room on cold winter nights and on your outdoor patio in the summer. Sleek and modern in designs, a hanging ethanol fireplace is a chic option. These pieces add a hint of luxury…
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  • Verschillende elektrische bio-ethanol haarden

    Different Of Electric Bio Ethanol Fireplaces Are you looking to switch to a bio ethanol fireplace from a wood-fired fireplace, a natural gas fireplace, or an electric fireplace? If that’s the case, an ethanol firebox is an easy, convenient option for converting a traditional fireplace or any other type of existing fireplace into an ethanol fireplace. These top of the line electric fireplaces really take the cake as far as being realistic looking. If you’re looking for something that looks like you have a real-life fire burning inside, without the dangerous particle emissions, then this is for you. Ethanol burners provide a luxurious, cozy ambiance with a dancing, real flame without the drawbacks of other types of fireplaces. Ethanol Fireplaces is…
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  • De ultieme ontwerpvrijheid met An Ethanol Fire

    The ultimate in design freedom with An Ethanol Fire For you With Art Fireplace clean-burning bio ethanol burner you can create a unique atmosphere with superior comfort & design. An ethanol burner gives your imagination the freedom to complement any living space. From fabulous foundations, you enjoy the freedom to build beyond the boundaries. Ethanol fireplaces are the perfect way to connect your spaces, room to room or outdoor to indoor. Ethanol fireplace, inserts are efficient and easy to use, giving you a cozy fire at the flip of a switch. Simplify your life with the ease and beauty of an indoor Ethanol fireplace. Gather family and friends in front of bold flames and striking designs from traditional to modern…
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  • 3D Opti myst haard voegt elegantie en comfort toe

    3D Opti Myst Fireplace Adds An Elegant And Comfortable atmosphere to your home Built-in electric fireplaces are very cool and elegant. They make a great addition to any home, workplace or bar/restaurant. They differ from wall mounted fireplaces since they are essentially implanted right into the wall and don’t stick out at all. If you’re looking for a fireplace without any tacky burning logs, unrealistic colors and something that is very relaxing and traditional looking, then look no further than the Art-Fireplace or check out our Collection of Realistic Electric Fireplaces for more options. And have you ever thought to yourself, "Art fireplace would really bring the room together, but I don't want to buy wooden logs?" Problem solved. Electric…
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