Kodi Powotcha pamoto wa 3D Wamadzi Angatenthedwe, Ndipo Zomwe Zili ndi Zomwe Zili ndi ubwino wake?

The main function of the 3D water vapor electric fireplace is decorative, kupereka mlengalenga, popanda ntchito ya kutentha. Chifukwa cha izi ndikuyamba ndi mfundo yamoto.

The principle of Art 3D madzi nthunzi poyatsira magetsi ndiko kugwiritsa ntchito mafunde a ultrasonic kupanga chifunga, kupanga oyenda bwino, ndiyeno jambulani kuwalako ngati kuyerekezera kwamoto wabodza wa mbali zitatu. Choncho, kuyikapo moto wa nthunzi yamadzi kwamira, ndi pamwamba kuwonjezera pa kutsanzira lawi, palibe kuyika kwina.

If the water vapor electric fireplace can be heated, chigawo cha kutentha chiyenera kukhala pa thupi, mfundo yotentha ndi yofanana ndi chowumitsira tsitsi. In such a construction principle, when you embed the water vapor fireplace in the marble or other exterior cladding material recess, the marble exterior cladding surface needs to be reserved for air vents, but such a decorative effect may not be what you want.

In addition, the hot airflow from the heating vent will lead to turbulent airflow around the water vapor steam electric fireplace, so that the water mist from the fireplace to the front or downward activity, directly affects the effect of the fog fireplace originally imitated the flame.

Choncho, the 3D water vapor steam electric fireplace is not heating.

Waukulu Mbali ndi mwayi wa 3D water vapor electric fireplace ndi zotsatira zenizeni komanso ngati maloto. Ikhoza kuwonjezera chitonthozo choyenera ndi malo ozungulira nyumba yanu, kunyumba, ndikupanga mawonekedwe ofunikira kuti mupange malo owoneka bwino apakati ndikupanga zokambirana. The flame and smoke effects provide a realistic feeling never before seen in a traditional electric fireplace. Ndipo poyatsira moto wamadzi amathanso kusinthidwa kukhala malo osiyanasiyana, kupanga zochitika zolota zomwe zimafanana ndi zosiyana ndi moto weniweni, ndipo ndi chisankho chabwino kwambiri pamipando, hotelo, bala, and other decoration design.

Any length, any location, and any number of sides. Forget about venting, gas lines and hot glass, because they are a thing of the past. Now imagine flames made of water that you can reach out and touch. Revolutionary Water Vapor technology reinvents the electric fireplace and makes it easier than ever to add a dramatic fire feature to any space. See-through, three-sided, open concept, the possibilities are endless, so go ahead and play with fire.

Easily create a pleasant and stunning atmosphere:

Operates on a standard 110V-240V

No chimney

No glass

No ethanol/gas required, just water!

Auto-fill or reservoir

Easy-to-fill water reservoir allows up to 14 hours of continuous operation


100% otetezeka

Palibe kutentha (available in option)

Economical: low cost to run

No Technical constraints

APP Controlled Water Vapor Fireplace AFW150

Nthawi yolembetsa: 2022-08-01