Water Vapor Fireplace is a ventless fireplace with 3-dimensional realistic flames that you can touch without burning your hand. The flame illusion if created with the help of fine water mist and LED lights that reflect off of it.
Water Vapor Fireplace ndi imodzi mwazabwino m'malo mwa nkhuni zachikhalidwe kapena zoyatsira gasi pazifukwa zingapo:
Water Vapor Fireplace ili ndi kutsanzira kowona kwambiri kwa malawi pamitundu ina yonse yamalo oyatsira moto.
Water Vapor Fireplace satulutsa mpweya uliwonse woipa kuti mpweya wanu ukhale waukhondo.
The "lawi" of Water Vapor Fireplace ndi yabwino kukhudza kupangitsa kuti ikhale yotetezeka kwa ana, ziweto, ndi kukhazikitsa m'malo odzaza anthu amalonda.
Water Vapor Fireplace ili ndi zosankha zambiri zoyikapo chifukwa sichifunika kutulutsa mpweya kapena kutulutsa ndipo lawi la 3D limatha kutsegulidwa kuchokera mbali..
Malo Oyaka Pamoto Wamadzi Simawononga ndalama zambiri kuti agwire ntchito. Imayenda pamadzi apampopi ndipo magetsi a LED amawononga magetsi ochepa.
Palinso maubwino ena ambiri opangira moto wa nthunzi wamadzi monga momwe amagwiritsira ntchito mphamvu zochepa komanso kusakonda chilengedwe koma mfundo yayikulu ndi iyi.: zoyatsira nthunzi zamadzi zimakhala ndi zowona zowoneka bwino zomwe zimapikisana ndi gasi, ndi chitetezo ndi kuphweka kwa magetsi.
Water vapor fireplace runs on water and electricity. It uses tap water to emit fine mist into the air. The light of LED lights gets reflected by this mist creating a realistic 3-dimensional illusion of flame and smoke.
The newest technology manages to create an extremely realistic flame look without the presence of a real fire. Flame imitation is so realistic, you’ll be surprised to learn you can actually touch this “fire.”
Realistic cool-to-the-touch flame is created by energy-efficient LED lights and water vapor. These cold mist artificial fire fireplaces run on electricity and regular tap water. All you need to do is plug them into a standard household outlet (kapena hardwire), add water (or connect to a water line) to the tank and enjoy!
How to Install An Art Vapor Fire Device ; Ventless Water Vapor Fire AFW80 ;Moto wopanda Vapor Wamadzi VWapor AFW150 :
Moto Wopanda Vapor Wamphamvu WW100 ; Ventless Madzi Vapor Moto AFW120 ;
Nthawi yolembetsa: 2021-11-18