Add a high-end fireplace to your designs - With a ceiling mounted ethanol fireplace
A fireplace can be a fantastic addition to a home. Cu noile elemente de design câștigând popularitate, nu este nicio problemă să găsești un șemineu care nu numai să se potrivească bugetului tău, ci și să se integreze perfect în decorul tău. Desigur, cu atât de multe modele din care să alegi, poate fi dificil să știi de unde să începi, deci este important să vă evaluați cu adevărat nevoile. În acest fel, poți fi sigur că faci o investiție care te va face fericit și te va menține cald și confortabil pentru anii următori.
Not only does a contemporary fireplace instantly become a breathtaking focal point for any room, dar cu noi progrese în eficienţa energetică, nu au fost niciodată atât de rentabile. Many people are choosing to go with direct-vent fireplaces, or have direct-vent inserts placed in their existing fireplaces. These direct vents remove the combustible elements of a fire while still retaining warmth and radiating heat. They are a great, eco-friendly way to get the most out of your fireplace. The best part is, they work with just about any design!
If you’ve been looking for a commanding way to update any room in your home, a new fireplace is a fantastic place to start. They aren’t just for living rooms anymore, either. It’s becoming quite popular to have fireplaces in the kitchen, the bedroom, the swimming pools even company offices. Really, a ceiling mounted ethanol fireplace will work in any space you spend a lot of time living in.
Update on hanging ethanol fireplace For a modern twist on traditional style, look no further than this gorgeous hearth. With a shape reminiscent of the old-world wood-burning stoves, but with a sleekness that is as contemporary as it gets, Art Fireplace Ceiling Mounted ethanol fireplace is a perfect complement to any home decor. In a minimalist home such as this one, the black and white stand in stark contrast with each other, but the cozy fire and the warmth it suggests keep the surroundings from seeming too harsh. This is a timeless design that will make any house feel like a lovingly curated home.
The new metal material structure pipe is equipped with multiple expansion screws on the top to connect with the roof,it is stable and safe to form a stable structure with the ethanol fire place below without too much damage to the house, and there is no need to worry about bearing or collapse. There is no need to worry that the roof will be blackened. Alcohol is a natural, pollution-free and renewable energy source, and the top of the pipe is designed with a sealing mouth, which will not blacken the roof. The full-body black design can also be placed beside the swimming pool or in the open area of the home, adding a touch of high-end and simple style to the home. The height of the pipe can be carefully customized to make it easier to ignite the flame and also illuminate a space.
Modern technology now allows you to have the beauty of real flames with no harmful emissions or other fire-related safety concerns. Select the option that best fits your project - firebox, insert or cassette - and upgrade your world to the fireplace of the future.Whether you would like to create a new impressive centre piece in your home or replace your current wood-burner, soba noastră cu bioetanol va aduce atmosfera strălucitoare a unui adevărat foc deschis fără nicio bătaie de cap, fum sau cenuşă.
Unele dintre beneficii:
- Ușurință de instalare
– Nu este necesar un coș de fum sau sistem de evacuare
- 100% Eficiență energetică
– Prietenos cu mediul
– Ușor de utilizat & Menţine
– Arată și se încălzește grozav
Ora postului: 2023-04-01