Etanolni kamini v sobi
The most beauti flame ensure the longest possible combustion time and always natural golden flames, the most beautiful on the market. We guarantee that our technology is the safest solution in the industry from fireplace to ethanol. The flame has no direct contact with the bio-ethanol storage area. Manual Ethanol Burners first appeared in 2005. The introduction of the bio ethanol fires made it possible to place a fireplace almost everywhere and without any venting, flue, smoke, soot or expensive maintenance. Since then, the technology and security have evolved, and today we have two types of Manual Ethanol Burners: Manual and Automatic bioethanol burners. Manual Ethanol Burners: 1.There are no necessary hookups and you can install them anywhere. Because they…Preberi večEtanolni kamini v sobi
Electric ethanol fireplace uses bioethanol to produce heat and flames. It requires no chimney as it does not give off soot or produce ashes. It has a burner which can come in different shapes and dimension. The burner is the container that contains the bioethanol. When lighted up, water, heat and carbon dioxide are released into the room. Electric ethanol fireplace Pros: 1.They do not require a flue: Because installing a chimney costs a lot and require so much work and expertise, so many home owners have opted for the ethanol fireplace. It uses bioethanol and as such emits no smoke and produces no ashes. The flames are clean so it requires no vent. It emits no dangerous particles. ...Preberi večPrednosti vodnega 3D parnega parnega kamina z APP
WATER VAPOR FLAME:Benefits of Water 3D vapor steam fireplace With APP Water Vapor Fireplace doesn't cost much to operate.It runs on tap water and LED lights consume very little electricity. Water Vapor Fireplace is a ventless fireplace with 3-dimensional realistic flames that you can touch without burning your hand. The flame illusion if created with the help of fine water mist and LED lights that reflect off of it. Under the development of new technology, water vapor flame can adjust the color, water mist level and rotation speed of flame by downloading the corresponding with app. Fun Facts about Water Vapor Fireplaces. Water Vapor Fireplace is one of the best alternatives to traditional wood or gas fireplaces for several reasons:...Preberi večZakaj izbrati inteligentni etanolni ogenj?
Intelligent Ethanol Fire An Intelligent Ethanol Fire is not just a small classy decorative object. Since placing a vent is not necessary, it gives total freedom to designers.If you want to install a fireplace as your main means of heating, the Intelligent Ethanol Fire is for you.They offer warmth, lahko vsak prostor naredi privlačnejši, in nudijo odličen ambient za vsako priložnost. Of course, it produces flames, and thus heat. Vendar pa, this fireplace is better used as an intermittent heat source for chilly spring or fall days.even if at Home heating systems always drive down energy costs in cold weather.Intelligent Ethanol Fire offers innovative, simple to use and secure solutions to create YOUR modern fire space, without any constraints. These…Preberi večPrednosti ročnega gorilnika na bioetanol
Bioethanol fireplaces Bioethanol fireplaces first appeared in 2005.Compared with the traditional wood burning fireplace,The introduction of the bio ethanol fires made it possible to place a fireplace almost everywhere and without any venting, flue, smoke, soot or expensive maintenance. Since then, the technology and security have evolved, and today we have two types of bio ethanol fires: Manual and Automatic bioethanol burners. The manual bioethanol burner does not need electricity, which is more convenient to move, does not produce too much carbon dioxide, and brings a more comfortable and healthy life to your home. Benefits of a Manual Bioethanol Burner 1.Manual Ethanol Fire is one of the best ways to increase the temperature of your room. It is environmentally friendly…Preberi večOkrogel kamin za notranjo in zunanjo uporabo
Real Flame Bio Ethanol Burners Round Fireplace Indoor and Outdoor Use If you love the idea of a fire place but want to have total control over the size, and design, you may want to consider a round manual ethanol fireplace. Manual Ethanol Round Fireplace boast the same benefits as any other type of ventless fireplace. You’ll enjoy easy setup and installation, an affordable and renewable fuel source, and zero emissions other than water and nominal amounts of carbon dioxide. No costly gas lines or ongoing chimney maintenance. No messy ashes, soot, or logs to tidy up. No vents or flues to install. No smoke marks to clean off the walls. Just clean-burning fuel that will help you create a…Preberi večKako izbrati kamin na vodno paro ali električni kamin na etanol
Kamin na vodno paro: The Water Vapor fireplace core is the luminous part of a modern fireplace insert. V vsakdanjem življenju, kar imenujemo kaminska jedra, se običajno nanaša na električna 3d kaminska jedra. Vendar pa, jedrsko ognjišče lahko po principu svetlečega ogrevanja razdelimo na električno ognjišče. V domu, jedro kamina lahko prilagodi vzdušje v prostoru, lahko pa se uporablja tudi za ogrevanje. To je zelo topla stvar, zelo pomembna pa je tudi izbira jedra kamina. 3d električni kamin je zelo priročen za namestitev, samo tam, kjer je elektrika. Večji poudarek na dekoraciji, njegov grelni učinek je omejen, to je, the heating area…Preberi večZakaj izbrati ročni kamin na etanol
Alkoholni kamin je nekakšen brezzračni kamin, ki kot vir goriva uporablja etanolni alkohol iz biomase. V zaprtih prostorih in na prostem lahko uporabljate številne vrste takšnih naprav. Ker ne potrebujejo dimnikov ali plinskih cevi, te priročne naprave lahko premaknete kamor koli želite. Uporaba alkoholnega kamina v zaprtih prostorih ali na prostem je tako preprosta kot prižiganje vžigalice. Naprave za kamin z alkoholom so na splošno precej varne, pomembno pa je tudi, da uporabljate kamine in shranjujete gorivo po navodilih. Benefits of a Manual Bioethanol Burner 1.No power or cables are required and it can be mounted everywhere.Manual bioethanol burners and fireplaces can be installed and placed freely, because they do not require any power or other…Preberi večKako delujejo ognji z vodno paro?
Water Vapor Fireplace doesn't cost much to operate. It runs on tap water and LED lights consume very little electricity. There are many other benefits of water vapor fireplaces like their low energy consumption and environmental-friendliness but the bottom line is this: water vapor fireplaces feature dazzling flame realism that rivals gas, with the safety and simplicity of electric. How does an electric water vapor fireplace work Produced by a “transducer” , the ultrasounds are mechanical waves that will vibrate water turning it into ultra-fine water vapor. This water vapour is propelled in several ways without the use of convection heating into specially adapted ducts. It should be noted that ultra-fine water vapor is immediately absorbed by the ambient air.…Preberi večPrednosti vgradnje kamina na vodno paro
The Benefits of water vapour fireplace: The newest technology manages to create an extremely realistic flame look without the presence of a real fire. Flame imitation is so realistic, you’ll be surprised to learn you can actually touch this “fire.” Realistic cool-to-the-touch flame is created by energy-efficient LED lights and water vapor. These cold mist artificial fire fireplaces run on electricity and regular tap water. All you need to do is plug them into a standard household outlet (or hardwire), add water (or connect to a water line) to the tank and enjoy! A water vapor fireplace is an artificial electric fireplace that uses water mist and LEDs to create a realistic flame illusion. These artificial fires use an ultrasonic mist…Preberi več