Ventless Opti-Myst Moto AFW80
Chigadzirwa Nhanganyaya: 3D Opti-Myst Fire AFW80
With Flames of Art 3D Water Vapor Fireplace Model AFW80,easy to install and operate.It save lots of time and money for Interior Decorations. Art Vapor Moto Inobatsira: Hapana kudikanwa Chimney, Hapana chinodiwa mafuta, Hapana chinodiwa bhatiri, Hapana kupisa, No niose,Only for Interior Designs like real flames with Unlimited Colors.
-Multiple Color Model AFW80:
Brand | Nzvimbo yemoto |
Muenzaniso | AFW80 |
Divi | 820mm / LX250mm / WX215mm / H32.28inch / LX9.84inch / WX8.46inch |
Remote Kudzora | Ehe |
Kushandisa | Mumakamuri eepadiki 40 m2 |
Kurema | 28.00kg |
Kukwanisa | 3.00Liter |
Mafuta Kushandiswa | 0.2Liter / Awa |
Kubuda | 100Watt |
Rimi Rurefu | 550mm / 21.65inch |
Flame Height Adjustable | 100mm--400mm / 3.94inch - 15.75inch |
Flame Speed Adjustable | Ehe |
Cutout Dimension | 780mm Kureba / 30.71inch |
Cutout Dimension | 220mm Upamhi / 8.66inch |
Cutout Dimension | 260mm Yakadzika / 10.24inch |
Kubatsira | Flame Height chinjika, Flame Speed inogadziriswa, Pamusoro pekudzivirira kuyerera, Kiyi-yemwana |
Kushandisa | Chivako, Apartment , Bhawa, Hofisi… |
Chitupa | CE / FCC / IC |
Brand: ArtFireplace
Product origin: China
Delivery time: 7-10 mazuva ekushanda
Supply capacity: 100units/Month
Multiple Color 3D Opti Mist Fireplace AFW80 With APP:
- Multiple information LCD Screen
- Mobile App Control And Manual Buttons
- Multi Color Flame - Umlimited Color Vapor Flames
- Flame Height Adjustable - 7 Level Flame Heights
- Flame Speed Adjustable - 7 Level Flame Speeds
- Connected to Water Pipe
- Loud Speakers
- Warranty: 3 years
Multiple Color 3D Opti-Myst Fires Functions:
1.Button ON/OFF and App Control
2AtMaterial mune isina chinhu uye MDF
3.Flame Height - 7 Level Adjustable
4AmeMoto Unomhanyisa - 7 Level Adjustable
5LPisa Akawanda Akawanda - Unlimited Colors
6.Water Proof LED Light
7. Timing Function
8UtAutomatic Zadza Tangi
9UtAutomatic Drainage system
10ReenGreen Energy Kuchengetedza
11Kufashukira kwekuchengetedza basa
12VerOvervoltage inodzivirira uye simba leakage inodzivirira mabasa
13.3 Years Long Warranty Time
New Art Vapor Fire Models Advantages:
APP Control Capability. Nekuda kwekushanda kwayo kwemagetsi, powered by a 24-volt power source, ino inopisa moto inopisa inogona kubatidzwa / kudzima switch iri pane chinopisa chaicho, Manual Buttons On/Off or through your smart phone by integrating with your Smart Home System.
Pa-Bhodhi Kuchengetedza Kuongorora. Iyo mamaboard yeiyi nzvimbo yekuisa moto ndeye kuchengetedzeka-pakati. Kugara uchizviongorora mashandiro ayo, ichi chinopisa chakangwara chinopindura chero chinzvimbo chinoita senge chisina kujairika. Inofanirwa kuona yakawandisa huwandu hwekabhoni dhayokisaidhi kubudiswa, zvinobva zvamira kushanda.
Yakasimba Kuvaka. Yakagadzirwa yeGiredhi 304 simbi isina ngura, iyo inopisa inopisa inopisa uye haina kuratidza kurwisa kumatenga, makemikari uye kumwe kuratidzwa. Ndiro yaro yepamusoro inoyera mamilimita matatu mukobvu (3/32 masendimita). Izvi zvinobvumira kusimba, zvakadaro inosimudzira yakaderera chimiro.
Ventless Dhizaini. Iine An Art Mvura Vapor Moto Muenzaniso, zvichave zviri nyore kwazvo kune vagadziri kuti vaise iyo inopisa kupisa chero kupi kwakakodzera mumba. Hapana chikonzero chekuisa mweya wekufema pasi pechipisa.
Advantages of Art Water Mist Fires
Art Fireplace Team Focus on Intelligent Fires.Both Bio ethanol Fires and Water Opti-Mist Fires. We use low voltage 24V input for the devices,and Stainless Steel Top plate with different colors,any customized request are available. It is easy to install and operate the devices. All devices come with spare parts for replacement.It is easy to change the LEDs and vapor makers.
Whether you would like to create a new impressive centre piece in your home or replace your current wood-burner, our bioethanol stove will bring the glowing atmosphere of a real open fire without any hassle, smoke or ashes.
Some of the benefits:
– Ease of Installation
– No Chimney or flues system Required
- 100% Energy Efficiency
– Environmental Friendly
– Easy to Use & Maintain
– Looks and Heats great
Mubvunzo:How about sample order?
A:We accept sample order before production, it’s an necessary step before moving to successful cooperation, do not hesitate to contact with us for that.
Mubvunzo: Ndeapi ekurapa kwepamusoro ndiwo akajairika kune esimbi zvikamu?
A: Matt Black Finish Top
Mubvunzo: Hatina kujairana nekutakura kwenyika, uchagadzirisa zvinhu zvese zvine musoro?
A: Zvirokwazvo. Makore mazhinji ruzivo uye kwenguva yakareba zvakabatana kumberi zvichafadza zvizere kutitsigira pairi. Iwe unogona chete kutizivisa isu zuva rekutakura, uyezve unozogamuchira izvo zvinhu kuhofisi / kumba. Zvimwe zvinonetsa zvinotisiyira.
Mubvunzo:Chii chiri vimbiso?
A: Zvese zvigadzirwa zvedu zvinouya nemamiriro akanaka, yakagadzirira kushandisa.
Isu tinovimbisa vese vatengi 3 makore akareba garandi nguva.
Kana zvigadzirwa zvedu zvakuvara kana zvisingakwanise kugadziriswa, isu tinokutumira iwe imwe chete nyowani yemahara yekutsiva. Zvese zvipenga zvikamu zvinounzwa kwauri mahara.
Zvese zvigadzirwa zvedu zvemhando yepamusoro.
Tumira meseji yako kwatiri: