How to Purchase Art Fire Devices

Art Fireplace waxay u qaybisaa alaabteeda wax ka badan 100 dalal oo gaarsiiya meel kasta oo adduunka ah. To find out where to purchase an Art Fireplace fireplace or insert, fadlan buuxi foomka aad ka heli karto bogga xiriirka. Wakiilka Goobta Farshaxanka ayaa kugu jawaabi doona emayl gudahood 12 saacadaha oo ay la socdaan buugga iyo qiimaha.
Haddii codsigaagu yahay mid sax ah oo ay ku jiraan hal ama in ka badan oo moodooyin gaar ah, ha ka waaban inaad ku sheegto iyaga foomka xiriirka. Kadib waxaan kuu soo diri doonaa sharaxaadda gaarka ah ee farsamada alaabtaas, jaantus rakibo oo leh cabbiraadaha la ixtiraamo iyo sidoo kale qiyaas ay ku jirto kharashka gudbinta.

Is sample order available?
For New distributors,we are pleased to offer a sample unit for first cooperation.

How do I order and pay?
After receiving your estimate and if you want to place an order, please send us:
Your delivery address including postal code (plus a billing address if different).
A telephone number for the deliverer.
A copy of your payment
Full payment on ordering:
By bank transfer, with no fees
Using the bank information provided on the estimate, please send us a copy so we can immediately proceed to ship your package.
By PAYPAL using your credit card(+4%)
If you choose this solution, please ask us for the PayPal invoice.
This invoice will be sent to you within 24 hours by email.
Follow the link included to pay directly on the secured PayPal platform.
As soon as your payment is made, we will be informed directly and will ship out your order.
The PayPal company will guarantee the delivery of your order

How long does delivery take?
Art Fireplace is a manufacturer, so it manages production and has a wide inventory.
Alaabta waxaa soo rarta shirkado waaweyn oo khaas ah sida DHL, TNT, UPS, iwm.
Guud ahaan, inserts and fireplaces are delivered within ten working days.
For big order,we recommand shipping by sea.

Waqtiga dambe: 2020-04-27