Dabka Opti-Myst ee aan hawada lahayn ee AFW80
Hordhac Product: 3D Opti-Myst Fire AFW80
With Flames of Art 3D Water Vapor Fireplace Model AFW80,easy to install and operate.It save lots of time and money for Interior Decorations. Art Vapor Fires Advantages: No need Chimney, No need fuel, No need battery, Kulayl malaha, No niose,Only for Interior Designs like real flames with Unlimited Colors.
–Multiple Color Model AFW80:
Summad | Goobta Shaqada |
Model | AFW80 |
Cabbir | 820mm/LX250mm/WX215mm/H32.28inch/LX9.84inch/WX8.46inch |
Xakamaynta Remote | Haa |
Isticmaalka | Qolalka ugu yar 40 m2 |
Miisaanka | 28.00kg |
Awood | 3.00Liter |
Shidaal Isticmaal | 0.2Liter / Saacad |
Output | 100Watt |
Dhererka Ololka | 550mm / 21.65inji |
Flame Height Adjustable | 100mm--400mm / 3.94inch—15.75inch |
Flame Speed Adjustable | Haa |
Dhexdhexaad Cabbir | 780mm Dhererka / 30.71inji |
Dhexdhexaad Cabbir | 220mm Ballaaran / 8.66inji |
Dhexdhexaad Cabbir | 260mm Qoto dheer / 10.24inji |
Faa'iidada | Flame Height adjustable, Flame Speed adjustable, In ka badan ilaalinta socodka, Qufulka ilmaha |
Isticmaalka | Qolka jiifka, Apartment , Bar, Xafiiska… |
Shahaadada | CE / FCC / IC |
Summad: ArtFireplace
Product origin: Shiinaha
Delivery time: 7-10 work days
Supply capacity: 100units/Month
Multiple Color 3D Opti Mist Fireplace AFW80 With APP:
- Multiple information LCD Screen
- Mobile App Control And Manual Buttons
- Multi Color Flame - Umlimited Color Vapor Flames
- Flame Height Adjustable - 7 Level Flame Heights
- Flame Speed Adjustable - 7 Level Flame Speeds
- Connected to Water Pipe
- Loud Speakers
- Warranty: 3 years
Multiple Color 3D Opti-Myst Fires Functions:
1.Button ON/OFF and App Control
2.Material in stainless and MDF
3.Flame Height - 7 Level Adjustable
4.Flame Speed - 7 Level Adjustable
5.Flame Multiple Colors - Unlimited Colors
6.Water Proof LED Light
7. Timing Function
8.Automatic Fill The Tank
9.Automatic Drainage system
10.Green Energy Conservation
11.Overflow protection function
12.Overvoltage protecting and power leakage protecting functions
13.3 Years Long Warranty Time
New Art Vapor Fire Models Advantages:
APP Control Capability. Shaqadeeda elegtarooniga ah awgeed, powered by a 24-volt power source, this vapor fire insert may be turned on/off switch located on the burner itself, Manual Buttons On/Off or through your smart phone by integrating with your Smart Home System.
Kormeerka Badbaadada Guddiga. Motherboard-ka meesha dabka lagu shido waa badbaado-dhexe. Si joogto ah is-qiimaynta hawlgalkeeda, Gubida caqliga leh waxay ka falcelisaa xaalad kasta oo u muuqata mid aan caadi ahayn. Should it sense an excess amount of carbon dioxide emission, waxay si toos ah u joojin doontaa shaqada.
Dhisme Adag. Laga dhisay Fasalka 304 Bir daxal laheyn, the vapor burner is corrosion resistant and exhibits excellent resistance to atmospheric, kiimikaad iyo waxyaabo kale oo soo-gaadhis ah. Saxankeeda sare wuxuu cabbiraa dhumucda saddex milimitir (3/32 inches). Tani waxay u ogolaaneysaa adkeysi, haddana kor u qaada muuqaal hoose.
Ventless Designs. With An Art Water Vapor Fire Model, it will be much more convenient for the designers to install the vapor burner anywhere fit in the room. No need set ventilation system under the burner.
Advantages of Art Water Mist Fires
Art Fireplace Team Focus on Intelligent Fires.Both Bio ethanol Fires and Water Opti-Mist Fires. Waxaan u isticmaalnaa agabka tamar hoose 24V,iyo saxan sare oo bir ah oo aan lahayn midabyo kala duwan,codsi kasta oo la habeeyey waa la heli karaa. Way fududahay in la rakibo oo lagu shaqeeyo qalabka. Dhammaan aaladaha waxay wataan qaybo dheeri ah oo lagu badalo. Way fududahay in la beddelo LED-yada iyo kuwa sameeya uumiga.
Whether you would like to create a new impressive centre piece in your home or replace your current wood-burner, our bioethanol stove will bring the glowing atmosphere of a real open fire without any hassle, smoke or ashes.
Some of the benefits:
– Ease of Installation
– No Chimney or flues system Required
– 100% Energy Efficiency
– Environmental Friendly
– Easy to Use & Maintain
– Looks and Heats great
S:Sidee ku saabsan amarka muunad?
A:Waxaan aqbalnaa amarka muunadda kahor wax soo saarka, waa tallaabo lama huraan ah ka hor inta aan loo gudbin wadashaqaynta guusha, ha ka waaban inaad nala soo xiriirto taas.
S: Waa kuwee daaweynta dusha sare ee ugu caansan qaybaha birta?
A: Matt Black Finish Top
S: Ma naqaano gaadiidka caalamiga ah, ma maareyn doontaa dhammaan waxyaabaha saadka?
A: Dhab ahaantii. Sannado badan oo waayo-aragnimo ah iyo soo-jeediye iskaashi muddada-dheer ah ayaa si buuxda noogu taageeri doona arrintaas. Waxa kaliya oo aad noo sheegi kartaa taariikhda keenista, ka dibna waxaad alaabta ku heli doontaa xafiiska/guriga. Welwel kale ayaa naga daaya.
S:Waa maxay dammaanad qaadku?
A: All our products come with good condition, ready to use.
We promises all clients 3 years long warranty time.
If our products are damaged or can not be repaired, we will send you a same new one free for replacement. All spare parts are delivered to you free.
All our products are of highest quality.
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