The ultimate in design freedom with An Ethanol Fire For you
With Art Fireplace clean-burning bio ethanol burner you can create a unique atmosphere with superior comfort & дизајн. Горионик на етанол даје вашој машти слободу да употпуни сваки животни простор.
Из фантастичних основа, уживате у слободи да градите изван граница. Камини на етанол су савршен начин да повежете своје просторе, соба у собу или споља у затворену.
Етанол камин, уметци су ефикасни и лаки за употребу, дајући вам угодну ватру притиском на прекидач. Поједноставите свој живот лакоћом и лепотом унутрашњег камина на етанол. Gather family and friends in front of bold flames and striking designs from traditional to modern and single-sided to see-through models. Restore the focal point of your home with an Ethanol fireplace insert.
Ethanol is pure alcohol. It’s also known as bioethanol, ethyl alcohol, and ‘bio fuel’, and is a ‘green fuel’ made from renewable sources. It’s grain alcohol made by fermenting the sugar and starch components of plant by-products like sugarcane, corn, and grain. One of the key benefits of using ethanol as a fuel is that it burns very cleanly, producing only heat, water vapor, and carbon dioxide – no harmful gases, soot, or sparks. It means that ethanol fireplaces can be installed without a vent or flue – and they can be installed in many locations where it would be impossible to have a wood-burning fireplace.
Choosing an ethanol-burning fireplace over a traditional fireplace has a huge number of advantages – not least being design flexibility, eco-friendly credentials, and ease of use. Ethanol fireplaces don’t emit the same by-products that come from burning wood – making them safer than wood-burning stoves. Тхе 3 by-products they produce are water, heat, and carbon dioxide, which has no trace amount of emissions. It makes your home – or commercial space – safer than if you were burning wood.
From built-in ethanol fireplaces to freestanding, portable fires, the beauty of this type of fireplace is the flexibility or, as Stephane Thomas describes it, “design and installation freedom”.It’s also helped us finesse and evolve our own ranges and also introduce new models and series that meet demand and further underscore their versatility, which provides the ultimate in design freedom.”
It is obvious that There are so many benefits of ethanol fireplaces. These characteristics are the framework of the Intelligent Ethanol Fireplace remote ignition design bio ethanol burner inserts and designer fireplaces. But intelligent fires may have more benefits than normal ethanol fires. Art Fireplace Intelligent ethanol fire also has the following features:
1. Интелигентна ватра на етанолу је здравија док ствара топлоту.
За стварање топлоте, Intelligent Ethanol Fire burns fuel. Intelligent Ethanol Fire work just like most types of wood-burning fireplaces. The only difference here is that ethanol does not produce smoke and carbon dioxide as the wood fireplace. заправо, an average size ethanol fireplace produces very little amount of carbon dioxide that you do not need to install a chimney or flue when using this type of fireplace.
2. Интелигентна ватра на етанолу олакшава инсталацију.
Да добро функционише, Intelligent Ethanol Fire needs to have an enclosure to house the fire source and a fuel tank to hold the ethanol. Интелигентни Етханол Фире може бити стационарни или преносиви. Већина типова стационарних интелигентних етанол ватре постављена је на зидове, док преносива интелигентна етанол ватра више личе на мале пећи са кућиштима за смештај ватре.
3. Безбедност
Етанол је веома запаљива супстанца, тако да је веома важно да резервоар за гориво у камину увек буде чврсто затворен. Стога, интелигентна ватра на етанолу је сигурнија од традиционалних камина.
Intelligent Bio Flame Ribbon Ethanol Burner
Време поста: 2023-05-13