
  • Q: How to Install and Use Art Ethanol Fires


    For all of you who failed to enjoy the pleasure of a fireplace because of a modest environment like a condo or an apartment, or simply because it is not allowed, there now is an alternative. Art Bioethanol fireplaces offer a unique and ecological way for you to enjoy the warmth and comfort you are looking for.
    How to Install and Use the automatic interlligent bio ethanol fires?

    The Structure and Design of Art Ethanol Burner:

    1.All our products come with 1 handset and 1 power adaptor amd Spare parts.

    2.Install the burner steadly.

    3.Connect Power Supply to the Burner.

    All our products come with power adaptor with plug

    An adapter is provided with your fireplace:INPUT 100-240 volt 50/60 Hz and OUTPUT 12V/7A or 12V 10A.

    Before positioning,the device must be connected with the supplied adapter to the power supply.

    4.Open the tank door,add moderate alcohol to stainless steel burner.

    Notice:You absolutely need to close the tank trap door if you want to ignite your ethanol fireplace.For sercurity reasons a system will check and lock the trap door before ignition.If the tank door is not closed,the LED screen will show”Door″.So after filling the ethanol tank,you need closed the tank door before using the thanol fireplace devices.

    5.Press the switch ON/OFF DURING 5 SECONDS or press on the remote control.after a few seconds an automatic ignition will take place.

    Operation of Igniting the bio ethanol fireplaces:

    1.Press the right button under the LED during FIVE SECONDS.
    2.The LED will show the operating time.
    3.the Pump will operate to pump the bioethanol into the trough of the fireplace.
    4.Then the igniter will work to ignite the ethanol.
    5.the temperature get above 78℃,it will ignite the ethanol.
    For the first the fireplace is used,we suggest to fill up the tank until it is full.
    Because when the burner is new,there is air inside the pump and the pipe,
    so it is a little bit difficult for the pump to pump the ethanol to the fireplace Trough.
    If the tank is full ,the pressure of the liquid could push the air out from the pump and the pipe,
    then the pump can work normal.
    So Our suggestion is to fill up the tank until it is full,and try to start the burner again.


    If the problem still exists, you need to open the fireplace, the step is as below:

    1.Clean all the ethanol out from the tank, make sure the tank is empty.
    2.Lossen the screws which are used to fis the top plate and the black box.
    3.Take the top plate out from the black box.But when you try to take the top plate out from the black box ,please
    pay attention,because there is two wires connceted between the top plate and the black box,you need to disconnect these two wires.
    4.The pump system is on the one side of the fireplace.The main problem is the air inside the pump,so Please try to push some liquid inside the pipe which is connected between the pump and the tank,then the pump could work normal.

    About Restart of Art fireplace with safety function:

    After shutting the fireplace,the Alcohol Tray is hot.If you want to restart,you need to wait arround 5 minutes until the temperature of the tray is bellow 60℃If you start it immediately after shut off the fireplace,the “TEMP” will show on the LED screen.

  • Q: How to Install An Art Vapor Fire Device


    To make the vapor fireplace insert, you could simply use commercial ones already available on the market. Art Vapor Fire Team Focus on Intelligent Fires For more than 10 years.The quality and Technology are reliable with great value.
    1.Prepare the housing with cutout exactly to the specifications provided.10mm wider than the drawings for the housing.
    To install an Art vapor fireplace, you need to create a housing (a surface that will support the fireplace insert).

    2.Leave holes or gaps for air intake bellow the fireplaces.
    People may use vapor fires in many different places with different decorations,for traditional fireplace designs with/without logs or for modern designs with/without glasses arround,
    For different designs,we should make sure if there is enough air intake bellow the fireplace to let the vapor go upwards.
    3.Plug in the system and insert it into the housing.
    A standarded Volt electrical outlet is required. (best located inside the housing). The system comes with a 100/240V (50-60 Hz) – 24V UL Listed power adapter (converter).
    Unlike other vapor fire systems,An Art Fire vapor fire works with a low voltage system,so it is much safer.

    If people want to connect the water pipe to the fireplace,people can prepare a water plastic tube from the water pipe system in the housing and connect it to the fireplace.
    Turn on the faucet,water will comes into the fireplace automatically.When it comes to a spirit level,it will stop injection.So people no need to add water into the fireplace manually any more.

    As you can see, it is not that hard to build your own water vapor fireplace. Sure, you will spend more time to install everything.
    So, is it really worth it in the end? Well, that all depends on your crafting skills and your budget.

    General conclusions
    Water vapor artificial fireplaces are cool gadgets that will certainly entertain your guests! You can now also impress them by explaining the science behind these fake fireplaces! I hope that you enjoyed this review. If you want to know more functions and guidelines about Art water vapor fires,please contact us freely.

    Email us at : [email protected] We will reply you within 12hours.

  • Q: How to Purchase Art Fire Devices


    Art Fireplace ngadistribusikaeun produk na langkung ti 100 nagara sareng nganteurkeun dimana waé di dunya. To find out where to purchase an Art Fireplace fireplace or insert, mangga eusian formulir anjeun tiasa mendakan dina halaman kontak. Agén Seni Api bakal ngajawab anjeun ku email di jero 12 jam babarengan jeung katalog jeung harga.
    Upami pamundut anjeun langkung pas sareng kalebet salah sahiji atanapi langkung modél khusus, tong ragu nyebut aranjeunna dina formulir kontak. Urang teras bakal ngirimkeun katerangan téknis khusus pikeun produk éta, diagram instalasi kalayan ukuran anu kedah dihormat ogé perkiraan kalebet biaya pangiriman.

    Is sample order available?
    For New distributors,we are pleased to offer a sample unit for first cooperation.

    Kumaha kuring mesen sareng mayar?
    Saatos nampi perkiraan anjeun sareng upami anjeun badé nempatkeun pesenan, punten kirimkeun kami:
    Alamat pangiriman anjeun kaasup kode pos (tambah alamat tagihan lamun béda).
    Nomer telepon pikeun pangirim.
    Salinan pamayaran anjeun
    Mayar pinuh ku pesenan:
    Ku mindahkeun bank, kalawan euweuh waragad
    Ngagunakeun informasi bank disadiakeun dina estimasi, punten kirimkeun ka kami salinan supados kami tiasa langsung ngintunkeun pakét anjeun.
    Ku PAYPAL ngagunakeun kartu kiridit Anjeun(+4%)
    Upami anjeun milih solusi ieu, mangga naroskeun ka kami kanggo invoice PayPal.
    invoice ieu bakal dikirim ka anjeun dina 24 jam ku email.
    Turutan tautan anu kalebet pikeun mayar langsung dina platform PayPal anu aman.
    Pas mayar anjeun dijieun, urang bakal informed langsung tur bakal ngirim kaluar pesenan Anjeun.
    Perusahaan PayPal bakal ngajamin pangiriman pesenan anjeun

    How long does delivery take?
    Art Fireplace is a manufacturer, so it manages production and has a wide inventory.
    The products are shipped by large specialized companies such as DHL, TNT, UPS, etc.
    Generally, inserts and fireplaces are delivered within ten working days.
    For big order,we recommand shipping by sea.

  • Q: Function Features of Art Electronic Ethanol Fire Models


    With an Art electronic ethanol fireplace, lighting is done automatically, by simply pressing a button ON/OFF. There is no need to bring your hands near the flame. Also, this means you’re only lighting a few centiliters of the combustible injected by the pump and not the entire quantity of ethanol like in a manual reservoir burner.

    Art Ethanol Fire Models Featured Functions:
    1.Intelligent ethanol burner extinction or ignition ordered by electric board and a Button ON/OFF and remote control.
    2.Suntikan keusikan otomatis sareng fungsi suntikan keusikan manual pikeun burner.
    3. Bahan dina stainless sareng MDF.
    4. Kapisah tangki bio-étanol sareng tungku ngaduruk.
    5. Detéktor infrared Co2 Kasalametan anu ngeureunkeun seuneu upami dugi ka tingkat anu teu diidinan.
    6.Fungsi sake off upami burner dipindahkeun ku kakuatan éksternal.
    7. Automatic electric pump to fill the combustion tray of the burner.
    8. Kalayan detéktor panas éléktronik, éta bakal otomatis punah nalika suhu ngahontal tingkat un-otorisasi.
    9. Carger AC atanapi carjer batré nganggo loader batré.
    10, Kalayan pangaruh audio.
    11. Fungsi Konci Anak.

    Inspirasi seuneu ékologis: campuran budaya sareng suasana! Ieu bakal janten ide anu saé pikeun desain rohangan super interior!
    Urang tiasa nyusun sadaya hiasan ku alat-alat seuneu anyar ieu. Gagasan Éstu Éndah gaduh tempat mérésan bio étanol modéren!
    Bawa suasana anu caket tina hawu anu éndah ieu di bumi anjeun sareng terasrasakeun kasenangan murni.
    Kalayan seuneu tina étanol seni Api, Diuk babarengan, Bagikeun Kabagjaan sareng Suksés sareng Kulawarga sareng Mitra nalika nginum anggur beureum, Ngawangkong, Maénkeun, Seuri ... Éta kedah saé!!!

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