Étanol Éléktronik Pembakar AF50
Product Introduction:
Bawa suasana anu caket tina hawu anu éndah ieu di bumi anjeun sareng terasrasakeun kasenangan murni. With flames of Art Ethanol Fireplaces, Diuk babarengan, Bagikeun Kabagjaan sareng Suksés sareng Kulawarga sareng Mitra nalika nginum anggur beureum, Ngawangkong, Maénkeun, Seuri ... Éta kedah saé!!!
Products Details:
Merek | Taman Nasional |
Modél | AF50 |
Diménsi | 500mm / LX240mm / WX215mm / H19.70inci / LX9.45 inci / WX8.46 inci |
Jauh Control | Sumuhun |
Pamakéan | Di rohangan minimal 20 m2 |
Beurat | 18.00kg |
Kapasitas | 5.70Sastra |
Suluh Konsumsi | 0.4Sastra / Jam |
Panas Kaluaran | 2850Watt |
Panjang seuneu | 334mm / 13.15inci |
Jangkungna seuneu | 180mm / 7.08inci |
Tanpa hawa | Sumuhun |
Diménsi Cutout | 480mm Panjangna / 18.90inci |
Diménsi Cutout | 220mm Lebar / 8.66inci |
Diménsi Cutout | 300mm Jero / 11.85inci |
Kauntungan | Otomatis-ignition / extinguisher, Ngalangkungan panangtayungan panas, Perlindungan ngoyagkeun-off,Sénsor C02, Langkung panyalindungan aliran, Konci anak-anak |
Pamakéan | Pangkeng, Susun , Bar, Kantor… |
Sértipikasi | CE / FCC / IC |
AF50 Model Featured Functions:
1.Pambuangan étanol cerdas cerdas atanapi ignition dipesen ku papan listrik sareng Tombol ON / OFF sareng remote control.
2.Automatic filling injection and manual filling injection function for the burner tank.
3. Bahan dina stainless sareng MDF.
4. Kapisah tangki bio-étanol sareng tungku ngaduruk.
5. Detéktor infrared Co2 Kasalametan anu ngeureunkeun seuneu upami dugi ka tingkat anu teu diidinan.
6.Fungsi sake off upami burner dipindahkeun ku kakuatan éksternal.
7. Pompa listrik otomatis pikeun ngeusian pembakaran kompor.
8. Kalayan detéktor panas éléktronik, éta bakal otomatis punah nalika suhu ngahontal tingkat un-otorisasi.
9. Carger AC atanapi carjer batré nganggo loader batré.
10. Kalayan pangaruh audio.
11. Fungsi Konci Anak.
Pompa listrik otomatis pikeun ngeusian burner:
Pompa listrik otomatis pikeun ngeusian burner!
Pompa listrik otomatis pikeun ngeusian burner 10-15 Pompa listrik otomatis pikeun ngeusian burner (Pompa listrik otomatis pikeun ngeusian burner, Pompa listrik otomatis pikeun ngeusian burner)
Art Ethanol Fire Model Advantages:
1.Remote Control Capability. Due to its electronic operation, powered by a twelve-volt power source, this ethanol fireplace insert may be ignited and extinguished through an on/off switch located on the burner itself, a one-button remote control or through your smart phone by integrating with your Smart Home System.
2.On-Board Safety Monitoring. The motherboard of this fireplace insert is safety-central. Constantly self-evaluating its operation, this intelligent burner reacts to any condition that appears atypical. Should it sense an excess amount of carbon dioxide emission or heat output, it will automatically cease operation, extinguish the flame and maintain the lock mechanism of the fuel chamber. Additionally, it will self-extinguish should it sense seismic motion or level of tilt making it a shock-proof device. Fuel and battery levels are also constantly evaluated for optimal performance and will give notification through the burner’s LED display, which will indicate operation times and alert you by sound and error message should an event occur.
3.Sturdy Construction. Constructed of Grade 304 stainless steel, the ethanol burner is corrosion resistant and exhibits excellent resistance to atmospheric, chemical and other exposures. Its top plate measures three millimeters in thickness (3/32 inches). This allows sturdiness, yet promotes a low profile. For added safety, the bio ethanol burner AF50 offers insulated double hearth construction.
4.Separate Fuel Reservoir and Burner Tray. Continuing with the unprecedented safety features of this ethanol burner, excess fuel is housed in a sealed reservoir. This not only prevents fuel evaporation and the aromatic release of the raw ethanol, but lessens the amount of “exposed” fuel at any given time. Through a medical grade fuel pump, the ethanol is delivered into the burner tray. Only allowing the burner tray to manage a few centiliters of ethanol fuel at a given time promotes additional safety and minimizes the risk of fire-related dangers.
Q:Kumaha ngeunaan urutan sampel?
A:Kami nampi urutan sampel sateuacan produksi, éta léngkah anu diperyogikeun sateuacan ngalih kana kerjasama anu suksés, tong ragu ngahubungi kami pikeun éta.
Q: How to start a project?
A: To start your project, please send us the design drawings with a list of material, quantity and finish. Then, you will get the quotation from us within 24 hours.
Q: Which surface treatment are the most common for metal parts?
A: Polishing, Black Oxide , Anodized, Powder Coating, Sandblasting, Painting , all kinds of plating(copper plating, chrome plating, nickel plating, gold plating, silver plating…)…
Q: We’re not familiar with the international transport, will you handle all the logistic thing?
A: Definitely. Many years experience and long term cooperated forwarder will full support us on it. You can only inform us the delivery date, and then you will receive the goods at office/home. Other concerns leave to us.
Q:What is the guarantee?
A:Depending on what your project or products is, typical turn around is 1-2 weeks. If you have a specific request, please feel free to ask. We can always work out a fast turn around if needed.
The products are shipped by large specialized companies such as DHL, TNT, TPS, etc.
Generally, inserts and fireplaces are delivered within ten workdays.
We signed with DHL,FEDEX,TNT,UPS Express.