Wall Mounted Ethanol Fireplace AH100

Wall Mounted Ethanol Fireplace AH100:

1. Automatic ethanol fireplace extinction or ignition ordered by electric board and a Button ON/OFF and remote control.

2. Bahan dina stainless sareng MDF.

3. Kapisah tangki bio-étanol sareng tungku ngaduruk.

4. Detéktor infrared Co2 Kasalametan anu ngeureunkeun seuneu upami dugi ka tingkat anu teu diidinan.

5. Pompa listrik otomatis pikeun ngeusian burner.

6. Kalayan detéktor panas éléktronik, it will automatice extinction when the temperature reaching the un-authorized levels.

7. Carger AC atanapi carjer batré nganggo loader batré.

8, Kalayan pangaruh audio.

9. Fungsi Konci Anak.

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Wall Mounted Ethanol Fireplace AH100

Diantara Desain Api Perapian anu pangsaéna, The Ventless Model Ethanol Burner AH100 (144cm)inserts allows the flames to develop freely and in a very natural way. The intermediate solution for a dynamic fre which remains compatible with the medium-sized rooms.

Product Datas:

ModélJauh ControlButton ControlTank CapacityKonsumsiDiménsiGross WeightPamakéan

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