There are several kinds of electric ethanol fire place

The burner is the container that contains the bioethanol. When lighted up, water, heat and carbon dioxide are released into the room.It has a burner which can come in different shapes and dimension.

There are several kinds of electric ethanol fire place

It is very easy to install. You can even install it your self after you have gone through installation processes well. Therefore it comes with no stress. It is also very easy to do. You simply mount the freestanding model. The built-in ones are also very easy to install.

Sehemu ya moto ya ethanol ya umeme ina miundo na maumbo tofauti tofauti ili kukidhi mahitaji yako mbalimbali. Kwa mfano, square ethanol fire or round ethanol fire can be placed on a round table, ambayo ni rahisi kusonga na nzuri. Kulingana na urefu wa kingo, you can also choose a rectangular Sehemu ya moto ya ethanol ya umeme or customize it.They can be installed anywhere from the bedroom, bathroom and living ra oom to the dining room and patio. Sehemu za moto za ethanoli za juu ya meza ni rahisi kwa matumizi ya nje kwani zinaweza kuhamishwa kwa urahisi kutoka sehemu moja hadi nyingine.

Hakika: 2022-01-21