13 elektron kaminlardan xavfsiz foydalanish bo'yicha ko'rsatmalar
1. Isitish elementi ochilganda tezda issiqlik hosil qiladi. Ochiq terini issiq yuzalar bilan aloqa qilmaslik uchun ehtiyot bo'ling. Elektr kaminining ishlashi paytida, uning chiqishi atrofidagi bezaklar ham qizib ketishi mumkin. 2. Yong'in xavfini oldini olish uchun, yonuvchan materiallardan tayyorlangan barcha materiallarni saqlang (mebel kabi, kiyimlar, choyshablar, yostiqlar va pardalar) kamida 3 oyoq (0.9 metr) elektr jihozlari yoki jihozlarining har tomondan uzoqroqda. Toza havo kirishini yoki issiq havoni to'sib qo'ymang. Havoning tabiiy oqimini ta'minlash kerak. 3. Garchi elektr kamin odatda bolalar va uy hayvonlari uchun xavfsizdir, when the equipment with heating function is operated by or near children or individuals…Read more10 elektron kaminni tanlashning afzalliklari
1. no smoking Wood Burning Fireplaces release carcinogens and harmful gases, such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. Breathing in these fumes can be dangerous for your family and pets. Even if you switch to dry logs that produce more heat and less smoke, they will still produce harmful fumes, reducing your home air quality. However, the emission of electric fireplace is zero, and there is no harmful by-product. With an electric fireplace, no harmful fumes or fumes seep into carpets, sofas, clothes or beds. Moreover, those with allergies and medical conditions (such as asthma) can find comfort and convenience in more advanced heating technologies. For example, some electric fireplaces use infrared heating to avoid air drying and to help…Read more