
  • 安裝電子壁爐時要注意什麼

    1. 安裝喺活動最多嘅房嘅壁爐可以達到最大嘅熱效率. 如果室內地板高度較高, 使用風扇將熱量慢慢擴散到活動區域. 2. 為咗把壁爐與全自動操作相匹配, the electric socket and wire connection box shall be installed beside the installation position…
  • 關於模擬電子壁爐

    Decorating Decorative simulation fireplace is more prominent and popular. 它模擬了 "燃燒木材" 喺壁爐中達到房屋裝修嘅目的, 無加熱功能. 可以睇到新古典主義風格. Advantages of folding simulation fireplace Simulation fireplace does not need to consider the problem of flue. 麻麻, there are few buildings with flue space in…
  • 13 安全使用電子壁爐的指南

    1. The heating element will generate heat rapidly when it is opened. Take care to avoid contact of exposed skin with hot surfaces. During operation of the electric fireplace, the trims around its exit may also become hot. 2. To avoid the risk of fire, keep all materials made of combustible materials (such as furniture, clothes, bedding, pillows and curtains)...
  • 10 選擇電子壁爐的優點

    1. no smoking Wood Burning Fireplaces release carcinogens and harmful gases, such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. Breathing in these fumes can be dangerous for your family and pets. Even if you switch to dry logs that produce more heat and less smoke, they will still produce harmful fumes, reducing your home air quality. 然而, the emission of electric…