
An Electric Ethanol Fireplace can be a fantastic addition to a home. 隨著新設計元素越嚟越受歡迎, 找到一個不僅適合您的預算,而且可以無縫融入您的裝飾的壁爐是沒有問題的. 答案係肯定嘅, 有咁多設計可供選擇, 可能好難知由哪裏開始, 因此,真正評估您的需求非常重要. 以呢種方式, 您可以確定進行一項投資,這將使您快樂,並讓您在未來幾年保持溫暖和舒適.

Not only does a contemporary ethanol fireplace instantly become a breathtaking focal point for any room, but with new advances in energy efficiency, they have never been so cost-effective. Many people are choosing to go with direct-vent fireplaces, or have direct-vent inserts placed in their existing fireplaces. These direct vents remove the combustible elements of a fire while still retaining warmth and radiating heat. They are a great, eco-friendly way to get the most out of your fireplace. The best part is, they work with just about any design!

If you’ve been looking for a commanding way to update any room in your home, a new electric ethanol fireplace is a fantastic place to start. They aren’t just for living rooms anymore, either. It’s becoming quite popular to have fireplaces in the kitchen, the bedroom, even home offices. Really, a fireplace will work in any space you spend a lot of time living in.

Among the best in Art ethanol fireplace designs, the Art Fireplace Remote Controlled Electronic Bio Ethanol Burner Insert is favored by architects, 承包商和高端設計師,為挑剔嘅客戶提供前所未有嘅質素同安全. 除了與手動乙醇壁爐插件相同的無排氣和清潔燃燒火焰, this Art-Fireplace bio ethanol fire offers much more for both residential and commercial applications: 遠程控制功能. 車載安全監控. 堅固的構造. Separate Fuel Reservoir and Burner Tray etc...

發佈時間: 2022-05-11