

In the last decade, ethanol fireplaces have been on the rise as a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional fireplaces. 對於房主來說,係好多室內設計嘅唔錯選擇, 設計師, Architecturers etc...They burn cleaner, 產生更少嘅煙霧,通常更有效率. 除此之外,還有, 它們有各種款式和設計,適合任何房間.

乙醇壁爐使用乙醇作為燃料,而唔係燃氣或原木. 把乙醇倒入壁爐底部嘅金屬容器中,該容器加熱並燃燒產生火焰。 我中意我嘅乙醇壁爐嘅原因有好多: One of the main reasons is that it helps keep my home warm this winter. It has a heat output of 2,500 BTUs, which is pretty impressive.

It also has a strong flame that helps to mimic the look of natural fire in the fireplace without the mess. Another reason I love my ethanol fireplace is that it doesn’t need any kind of chimney or venting to work properly. It’s perfect for when you want to save space in your house because you don’t have to worry about risking an additional hole in your roof or walls by installing a chimney. The best part about this type of fireplace is that it doesn’t produce any smoke or soot at all!

Complete indoor ethanol fireplace solution.Choosing a solution with the dedicated firebox can give a lot of advantages, like zero-clearance installation where the fireplace can be built into any wall and any types of materials can surround the fire - giving you lots of possibilities of design arrangement. Having in mind that - due to break through new technology on intelligent Ethanol Fireplaces - no hard connections are required, it is the best choice for interiors.


發佈時間: 2023-01-11