
  • 13 安全使用電子壁爐的指導方針

    1. The heating element will generate heat rapidly when it is opened. Take care to avoid contact of exposed skin with hot surfaces. During operation of the electric fireplace, the trims around its exit may also become hot. 2. To avoid the risk of fire, keep all materials made of combustible materials (such as furniture, clothes, bedding, pillows and curtains) at least 3 feet (0.9 米) away from all sides of electrical appliances or equipment. Do not block the fresh air inlet or hot air vent. The natural flow of air must be ensured. 3. Although the electric fireplace is generally safe for children and pets, when the equipment with heating function is operated by or near children or individuals…
  • 10 選擇電子壁爐的優勢

    1. no smoking Wood Burning Fireplaces release carcinogens and harmful gases, 例如二氧化碳和一氧化碳. 吸入這些煙霧會對您的家人和寵物造成危險. 即使您改用乾燥的原木,也可以產生更多的熱量和更少的煙霧, 他們仍然會產生有害的煙霧, 降低您的家庭空氣質量. 然而, 電壁爐的排放為零, 而且沒有有害的副產品. 帶電壁爐, 沒有有害的煙霧或煙霧滲入地毯, 沙發, 衣服或床. 此外, 有過敏和健康狀況的人 (如哮喘) 可以在更先進的加熱技術中找到舒適和便利. 例如, some electric fireplaces use infrared heating to avoid air drying and to help…