
  • 使用仿真木的好處

    仿真木或實木? Benefits of Using simulation wood Compared with wood, simulation wood has the characteristics of moisture-proof, 防水的, 堅固耐用, 和耐候性. 因為傳統木製品在潮濕多水的環境中受潮後更容易膨脹腐爛, 導致變形, 從而導致一系列的問題. 在模擬木製品外觀的基礎上, 仿真木風格更加多變、輕盈, 而且價格也更加親民. 仿真木也有不同的款式和顏色. 雖然形狀接近實木, 不同形狀的輕量模擬木更適合DIY. The light of LED lights gets…
  • 為什麼選擇電乙醇壁爐

    An ethanol fireplace is one of the most environment friendly heating systems available in the market today. Ethanol is a renewable energy source that is derived from corn and compared to wood, it is easier to reproduce. You only need one cropping season to renew to reproduce ethanol while it will take you months or even years to produce wood. Ethanol fireplaces work just like most types of wood-burning fireplaces. To generate heat, ethanol fireplaces burn fuel. The only difference here is that ethanol does not produce smoke and carbon dioxide as the wood fireplace. 事實上, an average size ethanol fireplace produce very little amount of carbon dioxide that you do not need to install a chimney or flue…
  • 手動和自動生物乙醇壁爐之間的區別

    This refers to the burner of the bio fireplace and how it works. Bioethanol fireplaces first appeared in 2005. The introduction of the bio ethanol fires made it possible to place a fireplace almost everywhere and without any venting, flue, 抽煙, soot or expensive maintenance. Since then, the technology and security have evolved, and today we have two types of bio ethanol fires: Manual and Automatic bioethanol burners. These two types each have their advantages and disadvantages. Hence, the type of burner you select, depends on what requirements you have for your fireplace, where it will be used, and what your budget is. Although there are only two types of bioethanol burners, the products from different manufactures can vary and…
  • 什麼是水蒸氣壁爐

    水蒸氣壁爐是一個無排氣孔壁爐,帶有 3 維逼真的火焰,您可以觸摸而不會燙手. 如果在細水霧和反射的 LED 燈的幫助下產生火焰錯覺. 5 FUN FACTS ABOUT WATER VAPOR FIREPLACES Water Vapor Fireplace is one of the best alternatives to traditional wood or gas fireplaces for several reasons: 水蒸氣壁爐具有所有其他替代壁爐類型中最逼真的火焰模仿. Water Vapor Fireplace doesn't produce any harmful emissions keeping your air clean. 這 "火焰" 水蒸氣壁爐觸感涼爽,對孩子們來說很安全, 寵物, 並安裝在擁擠的商業空間. Water Vapor Fireplace has a huge number of installation options because it…
  • 關於水蒸氣火爐你需要知道的一切

    水蒸氣壁爐, Ethanol Flame Are you in the look out of a fire place that does not require a vent or a chimney? If yes then a Water Vapor Fireplace will be the best bet for you. These fire places are the newest varieties of vent less fire places featuring 3-dimensional realistic flames. The users can touch the flames of these fire places without the risk of burning their hands. These fire places come as one of the best alternatives to the conventional gas or wood fire places for a number of reasons. They have the most realistic Ethanol Flame that does not produce any kind of harmful emissions, thus, keeping the air around extremely clean and non-polluted. The…
  • 購買最好的生物乙醇壁爐和水蒸氣壁爐

    桌面壁爐 , Ethanol Fireplace , 水蒸氣壁爐 , Bio Ethanol Wall Mounted Fireplace Art-fire is one of the top intelligent Ethanol Fireplace and water vapor fires manufacturers and suppliers in China. We are now manufacturing the modern and customized Bioethanol Log Burner and Water vapor fires in bulk. Our contemporary Free standing Ethanol Fireplace designs are made up of the best quality material that offers top energy efficiency . Ranges of Water Vapor Fireplace We are offering wide ranges of Water Vapor Fireplace in bulk. Our latest list of products includes: Ventless Tabletop Fireplace, Ethanol Heater Indoor , Bio Ethanol Wall Mounted Fireplace, Bioethanol Log Burner, Bio Ethanol Fire Table Top, 水蒸氣壁爐, Water Vapor Fire ,…
  • 在美國擁有無孔桌面壁爐的優勢 2021

    Ventless Tabletop Fireplace, 桌面壁爐燃料, Free standing Ethanol Fireplace Summary: This press release explains the benefits of installing a water vapour fireplace. We are left wondering what we can do to stay warm in our homes with the cooler weather and the holiday season fast approaching. . Is there a way to bring the warmth and style of a fireplace into your home without giving up much space, paying a hefty price tag, or settling for a fake-looking electric fireplace? . Tabletop bioethanol fireplaces are the perfect solution. There are many advantages to choose a Ventless Tabletop Fireplace. Great for Small Spaces like Apartments and Small Homes If you lack the space for a large wood-burning or gas fireplace…
  • 如何選擇生物乙醇壁爐?

    Bio Ethanol Fire Table Top, Bioethanol Log Burner The presence of a Bio Ethanol Fire Table Top in your home and office can set the mood and add more than just warmth. Fireplaces add a sense of style and sophistication to any room. Having an eco-friendly fireplace is becoming increasingly popular today, and for a good reason. An eco-friendly fireplace is better for the planet, as well as for human health. . Choosing an eco-friendly fireplace may seem complicated, but it doesn't have to be. Here are some tips when choosing a fireplace made from ethanol: . Seek simplicity Use an eco-friendly fireplace that is easy to set up. It should be easy to use and to keep fueled. We…
  • 安裝水蒸氣壁爐的好處

    Water Vapour Fireplace, Water Vapour Electric Fire Summary: The following article explains the benefits of installing a water vapour fireplace. A fireplace is a great way to add extra heat to your home, and who doesn't like the ambiance of flickering flames and the focal point it brings to their home? Whether you already have a Water Vapor Fireplace or you want to add one to your home before winter, you should consider a Fireplace. An alternative to electric fireplaces and wood fireplaces, fireplaces, or stoves have many benefits. Here are some top benefits of choosing a Water Vapor Electric Fire . 1. There's minimal maintenance Water Vapour Fireplace does not require the addition of different sized logs every time…
  • 如何在房間裡DIY水蒸氣壁爐

    How to use an ultrasonic mist module to make your own opti-myst fireplace As you can see, 所有水蒸氣壁爐的設計都非常簡潔. 儘管他們的名字很奇特, 超音波壁爐並不複雜. 該技術依賴於一個簡單的造霧器模組. 此外, 這些造霧機易於使用. Art Fireplace 型號的超音波模組更換零件可能相對較大. 所以, 相反,我建議您購買更便宜的造霧機,只需花費一小部分價格即可輕鬆完成工作. 請查看我之前的文章,以了解有關這些超音波造霧機的更多信息. 下一個, 你需要做一個水庫來容納造霧機. The…