Bioethanol fireplaces
Bioethanol fireplaces first appeared in 2005.Compared with the traditional wood burning fireplace,生物乙醇火的引入使得几乎可以在任何地方放置壁炉并且没有任何通风, 烟道, 抽烟, 烟灰或昂贵的维护. 自那时候起, 技术和安全性已经发展, 今天我们有两种类型的生物乙醇火灾: 手动和自动生物乙醇燃烧器.
手动生物乙醇燃烧器不需要电, 哪个移动更方便, 不会产生过多的二氧化碳, 为您的家带来更舒适健康的生活.
1.Manual Ethanol Fire is one of the best ways to increase the temperature of your room. It is environmentally friendly and does not require too much work to start up a fire. 手动生物乙醇燃烧器不需要电, 哪个移动更方便, 不会产生过多的二氧化碳, 为您的家带来更舒适健康的生活. they might seem simple at first, but once you find out the scientific ingenuity behind their design, you will appreciate it very much.
2.手动生物乙醇燃烧器很便宜 生物乙醇火灾已经存在多年, 随着制造商不断优化生产成本. 此外, 手动燃烧器不需要任何数字技术, 这意味着此时手动生物壁炉的价格相当低.
3.And Manual Ethanol Fire easy to carry and small enough to fit through a door. These portable ethanol fireplaces are equally efficient as any other ethanol fireplaces and make sure that you can reap its benefits without any problems.No power or cables are required and it can be mounted everywhere.
发表时间: 2021-12-23