
能源效率的趋势在各个方面创造了创新, 壁炉是改造的主要目标, 历史上能源绩效不佳和颗粒物排放量高. 一个传统的壁炉在屋顶上开了一个洞, 对于许多生活在有燃烧限制或完全禁止使用壁炉的地区的人来说,快速散热和木材燃烧不是一个实用的——或健康的——选择.

一个 乙醇壁炉架 is the best option for people who want the warmth and ambiance of a fireplace. 这些壁炉产生热量, 但不需要通风,也不需要烟道. The choices are endless for a beautiful fireplace and here we have compiled 20 of the best.

The Ethanol Burning is a clean, 将火融入家中的绿色方式,无需担心不必要的污染. This ventless system is made of solid grade polished stainless steel and is insulated and fire rated so it can be placed directly against construction materials and solidly built into a wall. 这非常适合建筑或家庭装修项目, 以及占地面积有限的房屋.

This design is solid brushed stainless steel with an opening on one side of a proportional rectangle so you and your loved ones can view the safe ethanol flames. A translucent glass plate offers some protection and light refraction in the front, drawing the eye to this piece.

The Ethanol Burning Firebox works in almost all indoor spaces and makes an excellent focal point for interior decor. 几乎不需要维护, 让您享受壁炉而无需担心维修或频繁清洁.

乙醇壁炉 Burner Insert is a simple yet stylish burner insert designed to provide the warmth and comfort of a fire without all of the extra trappings of a traditional fireplace. This is ventless, meaning there is no chimney or gas and electric lines required. Maintenance is also simple.

As a range that may be requested in several configurations, with manual & automatic operational options, the ethanol firebox inserts afford you freedom of design, so that custom fireplaces are easily achievable.

发表时间: 2022-10-24