Differences Between Manual Ethanol Fires And Automatic Ethanol Fires
Choosing the perfect bio ethanol fireplace from the wide array of models and burner types available can be quite daunting. 然而, understanding waht the differences are between a manual ethanol fireplace and an automatic ethanol fireplace can help you make an informed decision.
The key contrasts lie in their operation and control mechanisms. A manual bio ethanol fireplace requires manual intervention for fuel filling, ignition, flame control, and extinguishing, with the user personally monitoring the process. On the other hand, an automatic ethanol fireplace incorporates electronic controls, such as pumped fuel filling, automatic ignition, adjustable flame intensity and electronic extinguishing options, providing convenience and added safety features. Let's delve deeper into their distinctions to help you make the right choice for your needs.
Automatic ethanol burners are a step up from manual ethanol burners. Automatic ethanol burners can be operated with a remote control, control panel or even your smartphone and smart home system. These remote-controlled bio ethanol burners are also safer thanks to many safety sensors overseeing their work.
A manual ethanol fireplace insert is a stainless-steel container that is filled with bio ethanol fuel. To start the fireplace, you need to use a long lighter to ignite the fuel. The point is that you have to adjust the flames manually and extinguishing the fire is done the same way.
Bio ethanol fireplaces first appeared in 2005. 生物乙醇火的引入使得几乎可以在任何地方放置壁炉并且没有任何通风, 烟道, 抽烟, 烟灰或昂贵的维护. 自那时候起, 技术和安全性已经发展, 今天我们有两种类型的生物乙醇火灾: Manual and Automatic bio ethanol burners.
这两种类型各有优缺点. 因此, 您选择的燃烧器类型, 取决于您对壁炉的要求, 将在哪里使用, 你的预算是多少.
Although there are only two types of bio ethanol burners, 来自不同制造商的产品可能会有所不同,并且其燃烧器的工作方式也会有所不同. For this reason, the information you will find in this guide will only be indicative. If you want a more accurate description of each manufacturer's bio fireplace and burners, you should check out the specific product page and read the manual linked on the page.
You can find all of our automatic or manual bio ethanol burners here:
Bioethanol Fires with a Manual Bio ethanol Burner
A manual bio ethanol burner, is a steel container made of stainless steel, which you fill with bioethanol. The burner has an opening, that can be round or long, depending on the shape of the burner. The flame is ignited with a lighter and extinguished by smothering the fire. The manual burner is the most known, and therefore, it is seen in most bioethanol fires, especially in wall mounted and freestanding bioethanol fires.
To increase the safety of manual bioethanol burners, almost all manufacturers had to find a method for how to avoid spilling the bioethanol out of the burner if it should fall or tip over. The most common method is the use of ceramics fibre cotton in the burner. This is designed to absorb the bioethanol fuel, and makes it impossible to spill the bio ethanol fuel out of the burner if it would tip over by accident.
的好处 手动生物乙醇燃烧器
1. 无需电源或电缆,可随处安装
Manual bio ethanol burners and fireplaces can be installed and placed freely, 因为它们不需要任何电源或其他电缆连接, 也不需要烟囱, 通风口或烟道. 唯一要考虑的因素是您希望燃烧器具有哪种尺寸.
然而, 你, 当然, 仍需注意一般火灾危险和安全距离. 您可以在我们的主题指南中阅读有关安全距离的信息.
2. Manual bio ethanol burners are cheap
Bio ethanol fires have existed for some years, with the manufacturers continuously optimizing the production costs. 此外, 手动燃烧器不需要任何数字技术, 这意味着此时手动生物壁炉的价格相当低.
Disadvantages of a Manual Bio ethanol Fireplace
1. Operated manually
The most obvious disadvantage of the manual bioethanol fireplace is the manual control. It means that you have to get close to the flame for adjusting or switching the burner on and off. 所以, a manual bioethanol fire should not be operated by children.
2. Fewer safeguards
Although the manual burners are perfectly safe when you follow the instructions and use common sense, the automatic bio ethanol fires have additional safety sensors that the manual ones do not. These sensors are not available when using a manual biofire.
Bioethanol Fireplace with an Automatic Bioethanol Burner
Automatic bioethanol burners require, just like the manual burners, bioethanol fuel to function. 然而, this is the only real similarity between them.
Bio ethanol fires with automatic burners are much more technical. Depending on the selected model and manufacturer, you can control them with a remote control, via a control panel, an app, a home-system or Wi-Fi.
For the automatic burners, the bioethanol is filled into an external fuel tank. From there, it is pumped up into the burner for incineration when it is turned on. With manual burners, you just pour the bioethanol fuel directly into the burner opening.
The automatic burner is often seen in built-in bio ethanol fires and used for new constructions, bigger renovation or interior design.
Benefits of an Automatic Ethanol Burner
1. 易于控制火焰
更容易熄灭和点燃自动燃烧器. 所有你需要做的, 是点击遥控器, 燃烧器上的控制面板或通过应用程序. 一些自动生物乙醇火灾还允许调整火焰大小并控制辐射热量.
2. 安全传感器
自动燃烧器的额外奖励, 是安全传感器的数量, 这是无法进入手动燃烧器的. 这可能包括监测二氧化碳水平的传感器, 摇晃, 过热, 等等. 所以壁炉会自动关闭, 以防传感器发现任何危险.
3. 燃油经济性
自动燃烧器通常具有更好的生物乙醇燃料经济性, 因为燃料只被泵入燃烧器, 需要的时候. 这意味着在打开和关闭壁炉时不会浪费任何生物乙醇燃料. 此外, 如果将未燃烧的生物乙醇留在壁炉中,它也不会自行蒸发.
1. 昂贵的
自动生物乙醇燃烧器的最大缺点之一是价格. 自动生物乙醇燃烧器的成本比手动燃烧器高得多. 原因是自动模型中使用的技术仍然相对较新且更先进. 这表示, 它需要更多的开发和工作时间来生产, 而且制造所需的材料更昂贵.
2. 需要电源
为了使燃烧器中的所有电子元件都能正常工作, 有必要在靠近乙醇壁炉的安装处连接电源. 这使得安装不太灵活.
然而, 一些自动燃烧器配有电池,因此需要充电.
Art Fireplace Team Focus on Ethanol Fireplaces for more than 14 years and we are obliged to offer high quality products for all customers.
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发表时间: 2024-04-24