
了解它是如何工作的, 了解水蒸气壁炉系统的组成部分以及它们如何协同工作为您提供模拟火灾体验至关重要. Let’s look at the components of a 水蒸气壁炉 and how they work to create your desired environment.

水蒸气壁炉 run on water and electricity. 水库是这个壁炉的重要组成部分,它保存着整个操作过程中使用的水. 当你打开壁炉, 这部分的水流向蒸发器.

拥有如此多的创新技术和生活方式偏好, homeowners are constantly looking for ways to add a dramatic fireplace feature to their homes that don’t emit harmful gases or result in humidity or condensation. 一种 水蒸气壁炉 is an excellent way to add the beauty of a fireplace without having to deal with the hassles and risks of a traditional fireplace.

The benefits of having a fireplace are numerous, including the fact that they can increase your home’s resale value and provide the perfect ambiance to relax at any time of year. When deciding whether or not to invest in a 水蒸气壁炉, there are many benefits to consider. Following are some of the top benefits of having one installed in your home!

One of the best benefits of a 水蒸气壁炉 is that it requires less maintenance than a traditional wood-burning or gas fireplace. You won’t have to worry about ashes, 煤烟, or smoke, and you won’t need to worry about cleaning your chimney. 此外, you wouldn’t need to buy and store wood logs.


火焰模仿如此真实, 你会惊讶地发现你可以触摸它.

水蒸气壁炉 work on electricity and water. 向空气中散发细雾, 它使用自来水. 雾气营造出 3 维错觉,LED 灯在雾气中反射, 创造火焰和烟雾的错觉.

Simply plug them into an outlet in your home or on a hard wire. 然后往水箱里加水.

How does Water Vapor Fireplace Work?-Art-fire

One of the best things about water vapor fireplaces is that they are much more budget-friendly than traditional fireplaces. Not only do you not have to worry about the fuel cost, but you also don’t have to worry about the maintenance cost. Initially, you’ll have to invest in installation, but the cost of running a 水蒸气壁炉 over its lifetime is much lower than the other standard fireplaces.


自从 2007 艺术壁炉一直在创造独特的, 环保的, 智能壁炉. Art Fireplace Team 的设计师和工程师继续为生物乙醇燃烧壁炉设定最高标准, 3d 行业中的水蒸气壁炉,具有定制设计和创纪录的创新. 艺术壁炉在家居建筑商中广受欢迎, 酒店/度假村和设计师.

发表时间: 2022-08-30