新型多色 3D 水雾壁炉

ArtFireplace New Multiple Color 3D Water Mist Fireplace

Water Vapor Fireplace is a ventless fireplace with 3-dimensional, realistic flames that you can touch without burning your hand. The flame illusion is created with the help of fine water mist and LED lights that reflect off of it. 这些壁炉不需要燃料,而且完全是绿色的. 由于只产生水雾, 没有有毒的二氧化碳排放,也不会产生烟灰. 正因为如此, 它们不需要大量维护并且易于安装. 此外, 水蒸气壁炉不会产生任何热量,即使外面很热也可以使用.

尽管它们的一般原则保持不变, 水汽人造壁炉的种类很多. 入门级型号价格实惠,物超所值. If you are willing to pay a little more, 当然, you can get better overall quality and improved design and realism. You can find different models of water vapor fireplaces online on Art-fireplace. I have to admit that I really like their design and the realistic look of the artificial flames and logs.

水蒸气壁炉如何工作? 火焰模仿太逼真了, you’ll be surprised to learn you can actually touch this “fire".

The newest technology manages to create an extremely realistic flame look without a real fire. 水蒸气壁炉依靠水和电运行. It uses tap water to emit fine mist into the air. LED lights get reflected by the mist creating a realistic 3-dimensional illusion of flame and smoke.

您需要做的就是将它们插入标准的家用插座 (or hard-wire), 加水 (或连接到水管) 到坦克和享受!Enjoy the ambiance, warmth, and the crackling sound of fire without the worry that children, 宠物, or your "spirited" friends run into it.

Completely Safe And Eco-friendly Fireplace A completely safe and eco-friendly fireplace with “real” flames. Art-Fireplace 水蒸气壁炉的 Art-Fire 系列具有自然凉爽的橙色火焰和无限颜色的火焰,提供全新的火焰体验. 完美适应现代风格的现代壁炉体验, 环保生活方式和城市住房限制. 3D 水雾壁炉是一种创新的家居装饰物品,它使用加热的水蒸气而不是真正的火焰来营造火的错觉. 这种类型的壁炉被认为比传统壁炉更安全,并提供了独特的, 适合任何家居的现代外观.

3D 水蒸气壁炉的优点包括:
★ 安全: 不涉及真火, 减少火灾风险.
★ 环保: 不产生任何排放, 灰, 或烟灰.
★ 易于安装: 没有烟囱, 排气, 或需要燃油管路.
★用途广泛: 可以放置在任何地方,不需要传统的壁炉设置.
★高效节能: 与传统壁炉相比,能耗更少.
★ Customizable: 具有多种风格和设计,适合任何家居装饰.
★ 成本效益: 没有燃料或烟囱清洁费用.

New Multiple Color 3D Water Mist Fireplace AFW80

发表时间: 2023-04-18